EyeWorld China March 2018

飞秒激光辅助白内障手术 (FLACS) 报告: 基线特征,手术过程和结果”回顾 ˞Պą׷ǡɕˌʸ˄ग़ɺĀਮ ͠뻟(.#%5 Ā׷Ŷ˄şग़şŀ ߁ ģăɺ뺯̣̹Մ̑ćŦȏψɺĈ Ŀ ૼ (.#%5 Ƌ׷ǁԥĀƋ׷ ֶŀģĄƧˤ뻟ĕċԶѤՄ̑ą ΀̜ĻĩĜɘĂϳLjȀ˄şग़ɧ ٛĀqƓІ ف Ϟrвˆ뺯ː ߴ Ώਲ਼ ĴǎّĈ ĐģĄƧˤ뻟ĕċĴ ǎՄ̑͂ פ ąਦş˄şग़ૼƧŶ ໬੾ࣷᘖŠਦşɕʭସ뺯ǟܺ͠ Ξ뻟(.#%5 ׷Ŷ˄şग़Āşŀ ߁ ̀đɘĂϳ ތࠕ 뺯 ތࠕ ɘĂϳ˓Ьą ( . #% 5 ਮ͠˞ՊĀȶđȡ뻟̋ζгą౪ ɍĠ౦౧ ޕ Ɇਮ͠Ā̖੟뺯ę י Āਮ͠౪ɍĠ౦౧ ޕ Ɇ뺯Ŗ ˩౪ɍĕ׮౧ ޕ ɆĀਮ͠Ą׷ǡ ˸ƺČĀਮ͠뻟ȢƧȆǡĠ౦౧ ޕ Ɇ౪ɍĀҒˆग़Š૚૶ग़Ǩ෗ ۅ Ā뺯 ؓƔ (.#%5 ȗΡĘŢĠ ౦౧ ޕ ɆĈČ̎뻟ȂħȺĩƙա ġĀց֜຀໬뻟ŠƋƛɸ౶ȠȤ뻟 ģŊĈşƍ׷Ŷ˸ƺĈ ࡋו 뺯 ؓƔĕֻ ތࠕ ŊĈ͎ėǁ࢖ɝ ʚ뻟ύǘȺăĩdž ک џǘƋƛɸ ౶뻟Ȃˤ (.#%5 Āв͍Ȥɝʚń ̀đɘĂϳ ތࠕ 뺯 EWAP ݬ ఠᆪማ 1. He L, et al. Femtosecond laser- assisted cataract surgery. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2011;22:43–52. 2. Abell RG, et al. Femtosecond laser- assisted cataract surgery compared with conventional cataract surgery. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2013;41:455–62. 3. Popovic M, et al. Efficacy and safety of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery compared with manual cataract surgery: a meta-analysis of 14567 eyes. Ophthalmol. 2016;123:2113–26. 4. Ewe SY, et al. A comparative cohort study of visual outcomes in femtosecond laser-assisted versus phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Ophthalmol. 2016;123:178–82. 5. Lundström M, et al. Visual outcome of cataract surgery; study from the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2013;39:673–9. . Abell RG, et al. Femtosecond laser- assisted cataract surgery versus standard phacoemulsification cataract surgery: outcomes and safety in more than 4000 cases at a single center. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015;41:47–52. 7. Lundström M, et al. The changing pattern of cataract surgery indications: a 5-year study of 2 cataract surgery databases. Ophthalmol. 2015;122:31–8. 8. Lundström M, et al. 1998 European Cataract Outcome Study: report from the European Cataract Outcome Study Group. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2001;27:1176–84. 9. Braga-Mele R, et al. Multifocal intraocular lenses: relative indications and contraindications for implantation. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014;40:313–22. 0. Lawless M, et al. Outcomes of femtosecond laser cataract surgery with a diffractive multifocal intraocular lens. J Refract Surg. 2012;28:859–64. ԓͷƶК Goshe: goshej@ccf.org Purgert: purgerr@ccf.org EWAP ڹ ดᑇ0JPM 2018年3月 31 “欧洲白内障和屈光手术质量结果注册局 (EUREQUO) 飞秒激光辅助白内障手术 (FLACS) 报告:基线特征,手术过程和结果”回顾 /CVU .WPFUVTÓO /& /QT &KEMOCP /& ;RG *GPT[ /& 5QPKC /CPPKPI /& 2CWN 4QUGP (4%5 /CTKG ,QUß 6CUUKIPQP /& &CXKF ;QWPI 2J& 7NH 5VGPGXK /& , %CVCTCEV 4GHTCEV 5WTI #TVKENG KP RTGUU 目的: ʙĿęĀӿԉ뻟Ȯ׼Ϟ̖੟Šlsưƶǚ ތࠕ ͊ ځ պʾჺՎɃʭචƋ׷ (.#%5 뺯 场所: ċ ߇ िŚŝŠ෯ęϙ ۈ Ā ċɃʭචƋ׷ႊǨ뺯 设计: ǡ៣ȡĠġķӿԉͩ८ ތࠕ 뺯 方法: ć ߇ िɃʭචŠାʾƋ׷Ιʔlsưͩ८ ' ٲ 74'371 ӽʥĀϩ ȀႊǨĀΪφ (.#%5 ɕĀ֪̾뺯ſŚႊǨ ̖ȍা ۋ Āͩ८ϯȗ˴ ޡݸ ˋ '74'371 ζг뺯ζгĀ֪̞̾ಗĉˍՖʹƓѺն뺮׷ǡቚȢ˰˸ƺ %&8# 뺮߭ٛȂٌ뺮Ƌ׷׮Տ뺮ĉʕ౧ ޕ Ɇ +1. ׮Տ뺮˸ƺlsư뺮ାʾlsư Š˄şग़뺯 结果: դȌī ૼਮ͠Āȥђ֪̾뺯ː ߴ ŭ੒ Ž ξ뻟 Āਮ͠ħƕȡ %+ t 뺯ζгĀƋ׷˄şग़şŀ ߁ ħǨĈԇૼ Ā %+ t (.#%5 Ƞȱ뻟պʾОˍ뻭 뻟պʾ຀ ໬뻭 뻟 ޏ ʙɸ౶Ƞȱ˄şग़뻭 뺯ː ߴ ׷Ŷ %&8# ħ NQI/#4 Ž 뺯 ŀˀԏʔ٩ԏ וࡁ Ў࠴Ȇʔ 뻟 %+ t ĀƋ ׷Уė Ž & Řʭ뺯׷Ŷ˄şग़ζг ߁ ħ %+ t 뺯׷ǡ %&8# ČĀਮ͠Ă ݎ ˸ƺŠାʾlsưŖČ뻮׷ǡ˸ƺ ו Āਮ͠lsưև ו 뺯 结论: (.#%5 Ā˸ƺŠାʾlsưŠƋƛɸ౶ĻŘȠȤ뺯lsưƬʇɩ׷ǡ˸ƺ Ā̊ ژ 뻟ȚĄǨĈ׷ǡ˸ƺ غ ĀlsưĝĻŘˈɩ뺯 ĪNJˈlj Ѯ