EyeWorld China June 2018

2018ŭ ʃ EWAP ঃᓜᄌ 33 Advanced Technology Forum: Reviewing How the Latest Refractive Cataract Technology is Changing Patient Outcomes Moderators: Hiroko BISSEN-MIYAJIMA Ronald YEOH Faculty: Chul-Young CHOI Shinichiro NAKANO Mahipal SACHDEV Rohit SHETTY Agenda 12:45 Welcome and Initial Audience Response Survey Questions 12:50 Optimizing Outcomes with Extended Range of Vision IOLs: Clinical, Optical Bench and Imaging Testing – Chul-Young CHOI 13:05 Optimizing Lens Extraction in Challenging Cataract Cases – Mahipal SACHDEV 13:15 Keys for Optimizing Outcomes with Toric IOL Patients – Shinichiro NAKANO 13:25 Panel Discussion: How are Presbyopia and Toric IOLs Changing Your Cataract Practice? 13:30 Meibomian Gland Disease in Refractive Surgery Patients – Rohit SHETTY 13:38 Final Audience Response Survey Questions 13:40 Panel Discussion: How Much is Meibomian Gland Disease Impacting Outcomes in Cataract and Refractive Patients? 13:45 Conclude APACRS 2018 • Chiang Mai Friday, July 20, 2018 12:45 – 13:45 hrs Shangri-La Hotel, Lanna Ballroom 2&3 Supported by an educational grant from