EyeWorld China June 2017 Issue

2017年6月 EWAP ༴਒ዛ 6 上文接第60页 我们能够治疗ͨ种类型的患者, ঞ然还会需要小ඪ切除手术,” Dr. JÙnemann 说。 ܱႿཬਃ్Ԣඌ Dr. JÙnemann认为, 虽然 MIGS对于开角型н光眼患者的 降眼压效果如此优异,并不能͂ 除Ǝ后还要做小ඪ切除术的可 能。 事实上,有一些情况他认为 小ඪ切除是患者最好的选择。 “从一个长΅以来广受Ʊ任的外 ɢ手术转化到MIGS是一个两难 的问题,因为对于我来说,小ඪ 切除术一ˢ是我治疗н光眼的 方法。 我会接受新ΥĞ,但是我 认为这ঞ然是一种有͍值的手 术。MIGS还非常新。” 美国н光眼学会和美国食Ȟ 和药ȞઠႺϯ理局在2014年的会 议上通过了MIGS的统一定 。ػ 它是一种内ɢ手术,组织作 用很少(伤口愈合),可以有效的 降眼压还Ե有很高的安全性。 MIGS充分的降眼压效应定在, 不用药午间眼压中间下降值达 到20%或以上;和/或下降至少 3mmHg。 “但是,如果֮据这个定 ,ػ 考虑目标眼压的概念,就存在一 个治疗上的ᅍؗ,因为短期眼压 升高的患者或早期眼压મҵ升 高,目标眼压要高于那些Ȑ期、ҵ 性、快速眼压升高的患者。为一个 患者ѳ定目标眼压要考虑很多因 素,” 他解释到。 Dr. JÙnemann相Ʊ,Ȑ期或 眼压快速升高的患者ঞ然最好做 小ඪ切除术。 除了:ENཹ胶ж ,ߑ 已经ƻը 实能有效地增加房水࿍过,小ඪ 切除术可能ঞ然还是手术医生的 最佳选择。 “一个经验 ࡓ ֲ的手术医生 会做很好的࿍过ܴ,和Tenon 缝合,保ը优异有效的降眼压 手术。:EN࿍过ܴ更像小ඪ切 除术的࿍过ܴ。但是,相比:EN MIGS,小ඪ切除术的优势在于它 可以可Ϥ地在眼外操作,我们可 以可Ϥ地手术定 ػ 引ȹ轴。Ҭφ 做这个手术的话,我们年轻的手 术医师能够Ҭφ ࠂ 习操作和缝合 技巧,可以通过手术Ҭφ深入了 解眼部组织。খ ,أ 经验不是与生 உ来的,”他说。 '9#2 ҕॉ໓ང 1. Neuhann TH. Trabecular micro- bypass stent implantation during small incision cataract surgery for open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension: Long-term results. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015;41:2664–71. 2. Kass MA, et al. The Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study: A randomized trial determines that topical ocular hypotensive medication delays or prevents the onset of primary-open-angle glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002;120(6):701–13. 3. Ahmed IK, et al. Prospective evaluation of microinvasive glaucoma surgery with trabecular microbypass stents and prostaglandin in open-angle glaucoma. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014;40:1295–1300. 4. Wellik SR, Dale EA. A review of the iStent trabecular micro-bypass stent: Safety and efficacy. Clin Ophthalmol. 2015;9:677–684. 5. Voskanyan L, et al. Prospective, unmasked evaluation of the iStent Inject System for open-angle glaucoma: Synergy Trial. Adv Ther. 2014;31:189–201. 6. Pfeiffer N, et al. A randomized trial of a Schlemm’s canal microstent with phacoemulsification for reducing intraocular pressure in open- angle glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 2015;122:1283–93. 7. Hoeh H, et al. Initial clinical experience with the Cypass Micro- Stent: Safety and surgical outcomes of a novel supraciliary microstent. J Glaucoma. 2016;25:106–12. 8. Sheybani A, et al. Phacoemulsification combined with a new ab interno gel stent to treat open-angle glaucoma: Pilot study. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015;41:1905–09. 编辑注: Dr. JÙnemann 和 Alcon, Allergan, 及 Glaukos 有经济利益关系。 ৳༢方ൔ Jünemann : anselm.juenemann@med.uni-rostock.de meshwork. AMA Arch Ophthalmol. 1958; 60 (4 Part 1):523–33. 2. Samuelson TW, et al. Randomized evaluation of the trabecular micro- bypass stent with phacoemulsification in patients with glaucoma and cataract. Ophthalmology. 2011;118:459–67. 3. Reiter S. “Impact of surgeon experience on efficacy of trabecular micro-bypass stent with phacoemulsification.” Presented at the Barkan Society Meeting, San Francisco. June 2016. 4. Neuhann TH. Trabecular micro- bypass stent implantation during small- incision cataract surgery for open- angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension: long-term results. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015;41:2664–71. 5. Emi K, et al. Hydrostatic pressure of the suprachoroidal space. IOVS. 1989;233–8. 6. Höh H, et al. Two-year clinical experience with the CyPass micro- stent: safety and surgical outcomes of a novel supraciliary micro-stent. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2014;231:377–81. 7. Grisanti et al. [Supraciliary microstent for open-angle glaucoma: clinical results of a prospective multicenter study]. Ophthalmologe. 2014;111:548–52. 8. García-Feijoo J, et al. Supraciliary micro-stent implantation for open-angle glaucoma failing topical therapy: 1-year results of a multicenter study. Am J Ophthalmol. 2015;159:1075–81. 9. Brown R. Minimally invasive supraciliary microstent for IOP control in combined POAG-Cataract surgery: 2-year COMPASS RCT results. Presented at the ASCRS Symposium and Congress. New Orleans. May 7, 2016. 编辑注: Dr. Bacharach和 Glaukos有经济利益关系。 ৳༢方ൔ Bacharach : jbacharach@northbayeye.com