EyeWorld China June 2017 Issue

2017年6月 8 EWAP ঃᓜᄌ ĘNJˈlj 7Ѯ 检查可以确定ɉ可能会存在发生 这类反应的风险。 没有皮Ɉ可以预测或明确确 ႊHORV病人存在 III型超઼反 应, Dr. Chang说。 “很明显, =万ֿ೺素?是很 有用的̑剂。好多人用了好多年, 它们能够对 ߂ 很危险的细菌,” Dr. Miller 说。 “如果我能够发 现可能会出现问题的患者,不ƈ 他们使用万ֿ೺素,但是其它患 者ঞ然可以使用,当然更好了。但 是,我们现在没有任何办法做到。 可能会是基因易感性。如果我们 可以发现那些基因因素,这将是 Ǝ后的一个研究方向。” 将来, Dr. Chang 提՝他 的同事要通过ASCRS 和 ASRS的 网ɨ www.ascrs.org 和 www. asrs.orgҬφ进行网上ӽ记。 “我们෱ਇ眼科医生报告可 疑的病例,这Ɵ我们可以Ҭφ 了解这种并发症的发生率和特 ੟,” 他说。 '9#2 ϩ考文ଣ 1. Witkin AJ, et al. Vancomycin- associated hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis. Ophthalmology. 2016. Article in Press. 2. Nicholson LB, Kim BT, Jardon J, Townsend-Pico W, Santos C, Moshfeghi AA, et al. Severe bilateral ischemic retinal vasculitis following cataract surgery. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina . 2014;45(4):338–42. 3. Witkin AJ, Shah AR, Engstrom RE, Kron-Gray MM, Baumal CR, Johnson MW, et al. Postoperative hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis: Expanding the clinical spectrum and possible association with vancomycin. Ophthalmology. 2015;122(7):1438–51. 4. Heijnen EB, et al. Purpura in a patient receiving vancomycin: a leukoclastic vasculitis? J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2011;25:390–1. 5. Pongruangporn M, et al. Vancomycin-associated leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Case Rep Infect Dis . 2011:356370. 6. Davey PL, et al. Antibiotic hypersensitivity reactions and approaches to desensitization. Clin Infect Dis. 2013;58:1140–8. 7. Endophthalmitis Study Group European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Refractive S. Prophylaxis of postoperative endophthalmitis following cataract surgery: results of the ESCRS multicenter study and identification of risk factors. J Cataract Refract Surg . 2007;33:978–8. 8. Chang DF, et al. Antibiotic prophylaxis of postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery: results of the 2014 ASCRS member survey. J Cataract Refract Surg . 2015;41:1300–5. 9. Rhee, DJ, et al. Report for antibiotic eyedrop regimen for cataract surgical patients survey. 2016. ASCRS Clinical Committee Report. 2016. 编辑注: 本文采访的医生和他们 的观点没有经济利益关系。 ԓͷƶК Chang : dceye@earthlink.net Mamalis : nick.mamalis@hsc.utah.edu Miller : kmiller@ucla.edu Witkin : AWitkin@tuftsmedicalcenter.org