EyeWorld China December 2017

ĘNJˈlj Ѯ ŭ ʃ 46 EWAP ঃᓜᄌ Views from Asia-Pacific Adj. Assoc. Prof. LIM Li, MBBS, MMed(Ophth), FRCS(Ed), FAMS(S’pore) Senior Consultant, Corneal and External Eye Disease Service Singapore National Eye Centre 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapre 168751 Adj. Assoc Professor, Duke NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore Tel. no. +65-62277255 Fax no. +65-62263395 lim.li@snec.com.sg ⢔㩂⪇ⰛㄪⰎ㴓Ⰿ⻶㺰⼒㴘㽖Ⱋㄪ 5 REHUWV ⧧ 'XSSV 㺚ⓞᱨ㴘㽖Ⱋㄪ☨㔶㣡⫒㨣㝎㩂⌍㑳㵀〉㺬㔋㗁⳨㵔㩂☨ᱨ✚⏥㗁ⴋ㴮⤿➚☨㦧㑳ᮣ 㮥㦞⏳㱫⭜㚛⫒ㄩ㨻⭒㗯☨㫼ⳑ㺲ᱨ5R\ ⧧ 'XSSV ➂㦆㴘㽖㎸㲚▌㵀␘㯖㩂㔶㣡⫒㨣㝎㩂⍐㑳ᱨ㺚ⓞ㨏㺓Ⳉ㴘㽖㢜㺲㨲☨ㄩ㖷⶙ㅢ⫉☧⢚⧝☨Ⰿ⻶㺰⼒⼒㨕ᮣ 0RVDLF GHOLYHU\ V\VWHP .;/ ,,ᱨ$YHGUR ,QF ᱨ:DOWKDPᱨ0DVVDFKXVHWWVᱨ&( PDUN 㝗⤅⢔㩂⪇Ⰿ⻶ᱨ⶙㮾㵀㝎⛊Ⱋㄪ㎸㲚ᱨ⏳㱫⢔㩂⪇ㄩ 㖷ⱌ㨾 89 $ 㷹㔠ᮣ 6HLOHU ☬㑉 ⌔⢄⼗⢔㩂⪇Ⰿ⻶⧧║㟧Ⰿ⻶ ょ㾉 㺝㬇 㺰⼒㴘㽖Ⱋㄪ☨⌴Ⱓⰵ⥗ᱨ➂㦆⢔㩂⪇㺰⼒㾉 ☨㬇ᱨ㫥㊿▕☡ ' ⫊㮾㔋ᱨ✚⍖ 㽜㾉㺝㱸 ᮣ0D]RWWD ☬㑉 ➂㦆ᱨⓥ⼗☼㨼㟰㩂㓞⤾㱸㥲Ⰹ㠖ᱨ㮜ゃ㱸Ⱋㄪㅠ㊦㥨⊩☨⛌㖡ᮣ 㯜╱ᱨ☕㍰⢔㩂⪇Ⰿ⻶㺰⼒㴘㽖Ⱋㄪ☨㵍㋜ⰵ⥗㦄㖸ᱨ⛶㲂Ⱋㄪ☨㫥㊿㨕⥗▙㲂║㟧Ⰿ⻶ᱨ㗍⻲ⰵ⥗㮜⢚⧝ᮣ⪑㩖㮔ⱌ㮥⏧㫼ⳑᱨ╿ⱌ⢔㩂⪇㺰 ⼒➝➈⫉☧⢚⹻㦛☨ⰵ⥗ ᮣ LASIK Xtra /$6,. 㗐㗯⪹㦧㑳Ⱋㄪᱨ⧋⮑☨⏋⺋⶙ㅢ⪹㯧㋲ /$6,. 㩂Ⱋㄪ⸷㷩ᱨ㸆㗁㮥㺸㫻㺺☨㠲㨠㗍⻲☨⏌➂㺄ᮣ㢜⼗㵜㍿ /$6,. 㗯⨍Ⱋㄪᱨ㯧㑩⼗ /$6,. ;WUDᱨ㟠㖫㠞⒱ /$6,. 㗐㗯⧧⡽㷹㔠Ⰿ⻶ᮣ㠞⒱ /$6,. 㗐㗯ᱨ㽜➶㽳⬺⤾㎐㦧⨍ᱨ㵀⫑㺬╘㖳㱫⡽㇬⛪ ⧥⪞㚐ᱨⱒ㈡㖫⭺╹ コ☡ コᮣ㐹⨍Ⓧ㥤Ⰿⰻギ☨⧥⪞㚐ᱨ㴿⯿Ⱋㄪ⊘➥⪰ᮣ P: FP 89 $ 㷹㔠 ☡ コ㺵ᱨ㱎㱫㽼ㅢ⼋イ⛪ ☡ - FP 㟰 ᮣ /$6,. ;WUD 㫼ⳑⰵ⥗㦄㖸㎼⤾㢺⛊㩂⢚⧝ᮣ ⛶␊㬇㫼ⳑᱨ⌴Ⱓ /$6,. ⻶⧩⧧⏥⻶⧩㟠㖫Ⰿ⻶㺰⼒㴜㗍㬇ᱨ㦄㖸 /$6,. ;WUD 㾉⪰㟿㦄㻚⢚☱ᮣ ⛶ 㲂⡽⛪ⱐ㗍㺰⼒ᱨ.DQHOORSRXORV ☬㑉➂㦆ᱨ㚞➣ ㅰᱨ;WUD 㾉☨㎼⤾㊭㮰⢚㔕ᱨⰛㄪ㎺⿔㢺⛊㩂⢚⡽ᮣ 㯜╱ᱨ/$6,. ;WUD 㫼ⳑ㦄㖸㎼⤾㢺⛊㩂㱸㦄㻚⡢㔂ᱨ⪰㟿⮋㔕ᮣ⪑㩖㮔ⱌ㮥⏧⒌㋜㫼ⳑ㈔⛊ᱨ㗁⟑⛶㲂⡽㢕⪔㸃ᱨ㸆㺸㗐㗯ㅢ⤗⮋㔕 /$6,. 㗯⨍ Ⱋㄪ⸷㷩ᮣ 屈光性基质交联 (PiXL):高能量密度角膜胶原交联治疗低度数近视 ⡽ㅢ⼋イ⛪ⰛㄪⰎ㴓Ⰿ⻶㺰⼒☱⛪㗷ⱐ㗍㗁㮥㺸㨰☨㺰⼒㗐⛰ᱨ㩖㮔⡽ㅢ⼋イ⛪㷹㔠 ╹ Ḷ - FP ᱨ⺉㱫 0RVDLF GHYLFH $YHGUR 㯧㋲㫥 ㊿⧧㎼⤾Ⱇ㸡ᮣ .DQHOORSRXORV ☨㵍㋜㫼ⳑⰵ⥗㦄㖸ᱨ3L;/ 㺰⼒☱⛪㗷ⱐ㗍ᱨ㊿ⴋⱐ㗍 Ⱇ㸡▕☡ 'ᱨゃ㱸㦄㻚☨ㅠ㊦㥨⊩⛌㖡ᮣ ⱌ㮥⏧ 3L;/ 㫼ⳑ⶙ㅢ⊪⸶✐㠖⏣Ⓦ㬡㋺㝗⡽▞㔋㊦㺰⼒☨⼒㨕⭆☼㨼㟰 㯧☠㺰⼒ᮣ 参考文献 1. Roberts CJ, Dupps WJ Jr. Biomechanics of corneal ectasia and biomechanical treatments. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014;40:991–8. 2. Roy AS, Dupps WJ Jr. Patient-specific computational modeling of keratoconus progression and differential responses to collagen cross-linking. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci . 2011;52:9174–87. 3. Seiler TG, Fischinger I, Koller T, et al. Customized corneal cross-linking: One-year results. Am J Ophthalmol. 2016;166:14–21. 4. Mazzotta C, Moramarco A, Traversi C, et al. Accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking using topography-guided UV-A energy emission: Preliminary clinical and morphological outcomes. J Ophthalmol. 2016;2016:2031031 5. Rajpal RK, Wisecarver CB, Williams D, et al. Lasik xtra provides corneal stability and improved outcomes. Ophthalmol Ther. 2015;4:89–102. 6. Kanellopoulos AJ, Kahn J. Topography-guided hyperopic LASIK with and without high irradiance collagen cross-linking: Initial comparative clinical findings in a contralateral eye study of 34 consecutive patients. J Refract Surg. 2012;28:S837–40. 7. Kanellopoulos AJ, Asimellis G. Combined laser in situ keratomileusis and prophylactic high-fluence corneal collagen crosslinking for high myopia: Two-year safety and efficacy. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015;41:1426–33. 8. Kanellopoulos AJ. Novel myopic refractive correction with transepithelial very high- fluence collagen cross-linking applied in a customized pattern: Early clinical results of a feasibility study. Clin Ophthalmol . 2014;8:697–702. ⍌⭃㽂ᱶ'U /LP 㔵タゃ㱸㦐⤴ⲿ⭙⺉㯐⤴㥥ᮣ ʏ .#5+- :VTC Ƌ׷ ⹂㴚ᱶ/LP /L 0%%6 00HG 2SKWK )5&6 (G )$06 6ᮯSRUH