EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2023 Issue

CSCRS: Trending Technologies — Highway to the Future by Michelle Dalton Singapore – Which technologies will succeed in the future was the topic of this year’s Combined Symposium of the Cataract & Refractive Societies (CSCRS) — a joint symposium of the APACRS, ASCRS, and ESCRS. The CSCRS was started by APACRS 18 years ago, said Graham Barrett, MD, and continues to be a “must-attend” event to garner an international perspective. The ASCRS Perspective Elizabeth YEU, MD, president of ASCRS, said presbyopic IOL technologies are “a wonderful way to increase patient satisfaction. There is not just one single IOL I use today because the optics on all of them are so good,” she said. But surgeons still need to know their patients, from their ocular history to their professional, lifestyle, and visual goals. For example, if patients present for cataract surgery after myopic LASIK, their current vision will help determine which lens is recommended. “Presbyopic correction is no longer just for the ‘perfect’ cornea,” she said. In the prior refractive surgery (including radial keratotomy) example, if one patient had low coma and a centered ablation bed, Dr. Yeu would recommend, or at least discuss, an EDOF lens; but if that patient presented with high coma and an irregular astigmatism within the central cornea, an EDOF lens would not be recommended. “To provide your patients with excellent long-term vision, you must manage eyelid and ocular surface disease before any surgery is performed,” she stressed. Surgeons should also consider mixing and matching presbyopia-correcting lenses with monofocal, enhanced monofocal, EDOF, or diffractive multifocals (trifocal or a hybrid EDOF/multifocal lens).z “Plan for a presbyopic IOL first, but keep a few options open for the second eye, depending on how the patient responds to the first lens,” she said. In post-laser vision correction, she recommends surgeons start with the non-dominant eye first, “especially if it’s the right eye, NEXUS CoNNECtiNg EvEryoNE & EvErythiNg