EyeWorld Asia-Pacific December 2023 Issue

Letter from the Editor 3
Table of contents 5
Feature 8
What to do? A compromised capsule when a toric IOL was planned 8
Yamane complications and management pearls 11
Management and options for patients with post-refractive surgery ectasia 20
Common complications associated with MIGS 22
Malignant glaucoma: Why it happens and its management 24
Cataract 32
Using CTRs in practice 32
Refractive 36
Incorporating the IC-8 Apthera in practice 36
Cornea 40
Losartan for the cornea, conjunctiva, glaucoma, and beyond 40
News & Opinion 44
Eliminating operating room waste: A paradigm-altering global movement among ophthalmologists 44