EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2022 Issue

FEATURE EWAP SEPTEMBER 2022 9 of patients and makes it easier for surgeon to achieve good results with eÝpanded range of vision. Graham Barrett, MD, Australia, who said he coined the term “eÝtended depth of focus” (EDOF) over a decade ago, emphasiâed that the lenses under discussion are neither a homogenous group of IOLs, nor completely, distinctly, heterogenous, with the distinctions between terms such as “monofocal plus” and “EDOF” often actually µuite artificial and arbitrary. hoosing an optical solution to address presbyopia, Dr. Barrett said, is always a compromise between spectacle independence and unwanted symptoms. In his practice, an EDOF IOL based on positive spherical aberration together with mini or modest monovision best offers a balance of µuality and depth of focus. e suspects that many surgeons would select this optical solution for themselves, and encouraged them to bear in mind the ethic of reciprocityp“If it’s worth it for ourselves, it’s worth it for our patients as well,” he said. In his talk, Thomas ohnen, MD, PhD, FEBO, Germany, who consults for <eiss, homed in on “bridging the gap” with the company’s AT LARA, which eÝtends depth of focus with a trifocal diffractive optic in a plate haptic design. 1nlike non-diffractive EDOF IOLs, the AT LARA does, Dr. ohnen conceded, still has some photic phenomenaÆ however, this particular lens offers a wider diopter range than other IOLsp from q£0.0 to ³ÎÓ D. Flipping over to the nondiffractive options for eÝtending depth of focus, Robert Ang, MD, Philippines, discussed pinhole or small aperture IOLs in his talk “The Smaller the Better.” e focused in particular in data gathered regarding the I -n, manufactured by AcuFocus for which Dr. Ang consults. The I -n IOL, he reported, “has been evaluated in hundreds of eyes in both controlled studies and commercial retrospective analysis.” In those studies, the small aperture IOL\ provided a continuous range of visionÆ comparable distance vision and superior intermediate and near vision compared to monofocal controlsÆ good binocular contrast sensitivity, with low level of visual symptomsÆ “promising results” when implanted bilaterallyÆ performed consistently in eyes with £.x D or less astigmatismÆ can be implanted using the same surgical techniµue as any other IOLÆ allowed posterior segment visualiâation and other similar diagnosticsÆ had a mechanism of action beneficial for compleÝ cornea patients. losing out the combined symposium, Terry im, MD, 1SA, summed up his clinical eÝperience with the AcrySof I+ Vivity EÝtended Vision IOL. In his eÝperience, he said, the IOL\ had an outstanding reception among patients who ended up “Ó0É appy”Æ eÝpanded his candidate pool for presbyopiacorrecting IOLsÆ provided a more forgiving platform in terms of biometry, visual disturbances, and other factors; demonstrated a visual disturbance profile similar to an aspheric monofocal IOL. atch-up on or revisit the full ombined Symposium online at apacrs.org. EWAP OCULUS Asia Ltd. Hong Kong pentacam.com/axl-wave • info@oculus.hk Pentacam® AXL Wave Essential to refractive practice for 20 years Thanks to the streamlined measurement workflow and application-oriented overview screens you further improve your time efficiency. Plus, with tons of studies and a huge user community to support data validity, you are always on the safe side. Optimized workflows, satisfied patients and best possible clinical results are all achieved quickly and reliably and without long training periods. No risk, just fun – the Pentacam® AXL Wave I T ʼ S T I M E T O C H A N G E The Gamechanger for ophthalmic surgeons Don‘t miss the Satellite Symposium at ESCRS! Saturday, 17th September 16:00 h, room Brown 2 Gerd U. Auffarth and Michael W. Belin