EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2022 Issue

FEATURE 8 EWAP SEPTEMBER 2022 by Chiles Aedam R. Samaniego CSCRS highlights: ZEN – A balance of quality and depth of focus T he ombined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Societies S RS® is the APA RS annual meeting’s primary symposium, a oint symposium through which maor regional specialty societies share their eÝpertise and eÝperiences with the techniµues and technologies available to them, offering the opportunity for a truly comprehensive, global view of the modern cataract and refractive surgery landscape. This year’s S RS was held with eÝperts from APA RS, ASCRS, and ESCRS, and focused on IOL technologies that “bridge the gap” between monofocals and multifocalsp the IOLs that, according to the program description, “offer more than mere monofocals and fewer image µuality issues than multifocals”. Oliver Findl, MBA, FEBO, Austria, tasked with discussing monofocal plus IOLs, focused his discussion on the TECNIS Eyhance IOL (Johnson & ohnson Vision E Vision®®. These lenses, he said, address the needs of cataract patients today that are unmet by standard monofocal and multifocal IOLs\ an increased demand for intermediate distance activities along with a worry over visual disturbances such as glare and halo. Watch “ZEN-A balance of quality and depth of focus” online at https://apacrs. org/34th-apacrs.asp. The Eyhance design is based on a continuous higher order aspheric surface with no âones, reducing spherical aberration to almost âero. The patented aspherical optics feature smooth, continuous increase in refractive power from the periphery to the center, providing better distance and intermediate visual acuity than other aspheric, monofocal IOLs. The IOL, he said, provides “something for nothing”, with its monofocal IOL photicphenomena profile and better spectacle independence for intermediate distance. It has been Dr. Findl’s standard IOL for Î ¤ years now. Francis S. Mah, MD, 1SA, followed with a discussion of the TECNIS Symfony (J&J Vision), an IOL that eÝpands or stretches a patient’s range of vision through the combination of an aspheric anterior surface with an achromatic diffractive posterior surface. In his eÝperience, the Symfony IOL eÝpands the scope