EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2021 Issue

Copyright 2021 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. ease. Preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative care of these diseases will greatly enhance pa- tients’ outcomes. One also must consider the possibility of laser refractive procedures in clear lens cases. Of course, surgeons must also counsel their patients well and ask them whether there is a true need for spectacle indepen- dence or whether seeing other distances is important to them. Additional factors to consider include diabetes and glaucoma. In mild diabetes cases or patients with small drusen, “if their dis- ease is well controlled, there is only a small risk for progression,” Dr. Kretz explains. If glaucoma patients are also well controlled, glaucoma is not an exclusion for presbyopia correction. Surgeons can still implant trifocal IOLs if the damage is minor. Additionally, FDA and CE trials do not exclude able to watch your surgeries.” Dr. Shetty agreed, saying “I-OCT is going to be the future." Mastering Cataract Refractive Surgery with AT LISA tri and AT LARA IOL Florian Kretz, MD, FEBO, Germany Florian Kretz, MD, FEBO from Germany discussed the uses of and circumstances in which the trifocal IOL AT LISA tri and the Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOL AT LARA are appropriate for patients. Before selecting any IOL, it is important to have the right measurements and choose the appropriate IOL calculator. Dr. Kretz provided additional tips for selecting an IOL. Surgeons should be aware of ocular surface dis- going beneath the nucleus and above the posterior capsule. This can be appreciated on the I-OCT,” says Dr. Sharma. The loop then negotiates the space between the posterior chamber and the lens matter. The loop is closed and the leathery nucleus is divided into two separate pieces before bisec- tion. When the loop is opened, the nucleus can be rotated and cleaved into four pieces. “I-OCT can really help fine tune your sur- geries,” says Dr. Sharma. The question of whether this new technology is worth the extra money was raised during the panel discussion. Dr. Shar- ma responded saying, “I-OCT is more for complex patient cases, especially for posterior polar cataracts and white cataracts, so this technology is here to stay. Additionally, I-OCT is helpful for training because residents are Figure 2. In studies comparing the AT LISA trifocal IOL to the TECNIS Symfony™ and the TECNIS multifocal IOL, AT LISA tri had better visual acuity results and higher contrast values especially in the near visual range. Driving Outcomes & Satisfaction ... Supplement to EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2021 APACRS The news magazine of the Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons