EyeWorld Asia-Pacific March 2021 Issue

EWAP MAR C H 2021 5 SECONDARY FEATURE What’s new in cataract surgery? CONTENTS FEATURE IOLs – What, When, How? 08 What IOL would you choose, Doc? by Liz Hillman 10 The search for a pharmacologic cataract solution by Maxine Lipner 12 Cataract postop regimens examined by Liz Hillman 15 Pearls for refixating and exchanging IOLs by Ellen Stodola IOLs – What, When, How? 08 – 20 23 Femto in cataract surgery: Future or frustration? by Ishtiaque Anwar, MD 24 6-0 polypropylene flanged fixation of intraocular lenses by John Wong, MD 30 The many considerations of astigmatism management by Liz Hillman 21 Airflow and aerosol management in the COVID era practice by Vaishali Vasavada, MD, and Samaresh Srivastava, DNB REFRACTIVE 34 Residual astigmatism: What to do about it by Liz Hillman CORNEA 36 Handling dry eye prior to cataract surgery by Ellen Stodola 44 Current options in artificial irises by Ellen Stodola GLAUCOMA 47 Where do eye drops fit in the era of interventional glaucoma? by Liz Hillman 51 Hurdles facing MIGS by Liz Hillman NEWS & OPINION 53 Having difficult conversations with patients by Liz Hillman