EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2021 Issue

ophthalmology while also exploring the lives of the in- terviewees. With more than 2,000 downloads across 36 countries and 5 continents globally, the podcast series is an incredibly simple way for healthcare professionals to conveniently listen and access quality content, even on-the-go. Although the pandemic has posed many challeng- es in 2020 and 2021, AEA saw a noticeable increase in both platform views and site registrations in the past two years. As online mod- ules were made available in 2019, AEA saw a continued growth to date from 3,892 registrations in 2019 to 14,262 registrations in 2021. Interestingly, the APAC re- gion contributed to 39% of Digital Learning Series views while the North America re- gion contributed to 41% of overall content views. SPATE has also made efforts to improve user experience on the AEA platform over time. With both positive feedback and constructive feedback, users have found the videos to be high-qual- ity covering a broad range of topics and overall navi- gation to be easy. In 2020, 78% of SPATE members surveyed reported atten- dance at an Alcon Online Event, indicating that either short webcasts or 60-min- ute interactive sessions with multiple speakers would be most useful to them as an eyecare professional. Addi- tionally, users indicated that they enjoy the presentation format of videos and the ability to submit questions to be answered through the online program. Presen- tation topic and the main speaker are also key factors in drawing users to the on- line programs. Though SPATE has already contributed a great deal to the growth of the AEA platform, SPATE intends to keep driving awareness and activity to the site along with maintaining fresh and relevant content. SPATE is also committed to bettering educational tools on AEA and believes that the most productive content is driven by prominent leaders in the ophthalmology field, Key Opinion Leaders, peers, and professionals from teaching hospitals or fellowship pro- grams. There are a number of ways to become engaged and active on the AEA platform. Eyecare professionals from anywhere in the world, including optometrists, nurses, technicians, and students) are encouraged to visit the online site and start learning from the various resources available. As live events through the digital discussion series become available, all are encouraged to attend and contribute to the Q&A sessions and panel discussions. AEA is invested in promoting lifelong learn- ing and the power of educa- tion in the field of ophthal- mology and hopes its users find true value through the virtual learning resources that are available to eyecare professionals around the world. 39% 8% 23% 8% 22% Digital Learning Series Views APAC CHINA EMEA JAPAN LATAM NORTH AMERICA CH APAC CH JP AEA – Strong uptake across APAC 29% 28% 13% 1% 12% 17% Live Event Attendance EMEA APAC LATAM CHINA JAPAN NORTH AMERICA Copyright 2021 APACRS. All rights reserved. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, editorial board, or publisher, and in no way imply endorsement by EyeWorld, Asia-Pacific or APACRS. © Alcon 2021 IMG-SG-2100023 Scan the AEA code to register for the Alcon Experience Academy, a wealth of educational tools and ophthalmology resources.