EyeWorld Asia-Pacific December 2021 Issue

4 EWAP DECEMBER 2021 %106'065 FEATURE Choices: IOL Options 06 Patient education on different IOL options by Ellen Stodola Choices: IOL Options 06 – 08 CATARACT 09 Looking for a new biometer? Here’s what you need to know by Liz Hillman £Ó 1sing the ight ƂdustaLle ens in practice by Ellen Stodola GLAUCOMA 40 Examining trabeculectomy by Ellen Stodola 03 Editorial NEWS & OPINION {È ,eÛiew of ¼Ƃerosol generation during phacoemulsification in liÛe patient cataract surgery environment’ Ly ans Ƃndrews] ] ordan omstocŽ] ] and ennifer indsey] {™ ,eÛiew of ¼,eoperation for complications within 90 days of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery’ Ly etal ,ay] ] 7endy ingerman] ] and essica how] 28 The who, what, when of refractive lens exchange by Liz Hillman CORNEA 30 Breaking down neurotrophic keratitis by Ellen Stodola 33 COVID-19 impact on eye banking and corneal donor tissue by Ellen Stodola 20 Presbyopia treatment options now and on the horizon by Ellen Stodola 24 Improvements in presbyopia- correcting IOLs continue by Liz Hillman REFRACTIVE 43 Managing patients with controlled glaucoma but visually significant cataracts by Ellen Stodola