EyeWorld Asia-Pacific March 2020 Issue

Supported by the six weeks post-operative review, patients reported no photic phenomena and reading vision was considered good especially for patients with re- sidual myopia or some cylinder. Dr. Douglas Lam also shared his six months of clinical expe- rience using TECNIS Eyhance TM IOL. He explained that while different IOL formulas were used, target refraction was consistent across his patients as the larger landing zone of TECNIS Eyhance TM enabled 6/6 distance vision to be achieved more easily than with other lenses. Targeting emmetropia in cata- ract surgery is frequently chal- lenging with only 55% of eyes planned for emmetropia actu- ally achieving this in practice. However, of the 47 patients fitted with TECNIS Eyhance TM IOL in his clinic, 33 achieved the target for emmetropia due to the larger landing zone of TECNIS Eyhance TM . Dr Brendan Cronin provid- ed further insights into the TECNIS Eyhance TM IOL, having implanted this lens type in over a 100 patient cases. Reflect- ing on the clinical outcomes, he explained how none of the patients complained about dysphotopsia or poor or waxy vision. He believes that TECNIS Eyhance TM is the next evolution in monofocal lens surgery, and it's a great leap forward for patients. modulation transfer function (MTF) cut-off, Strehl ratio, glare and halo perception. 3 AN ERA OF MODERN MONOFOCAL IOLS: EXPERIENCES FROM ASIA-PACIFIC The preliminary impressions of the visual performance of TECNIS Eyhance™ was shared by the experts to provide in- sights into how this IOL per- forms across different countries in Asia-Pacific and consequent- ly in different patient demo- graphics and eye types. Dr. Warakorn Thiamthat dis- cussed how TECNIS Eyhance TM IOL presents an important alternative option to the tradi- tional monofocal IOLs for both the patient and doctor. Reflecting on his first experi- ence of using TECNIS Eyhan- ce TM IOL in a male patient, unilateral implantation led to improved intermediate vision while with bilateral implanta- tion, the patient was able to comfortably read text on his mobile phone at stretched arms-length, although not at the resting position. Sim- ilar clinical outcomes were also shared by other experts, including Dr. Debasish Bhat- tacharya, who explained how the experience of implanting TECNIS Eyhance TM in his first 10 patients was positive. At Figure 1: Left: TECNIS® 1-piece IOL (ZCB00) Right: TECNIS Eyhance TM IOL (ICB00) Other positive attributes of TECNIS Eyhance TM that Dr Cro- nin mentioned include minimal chromatic aberration, extreme- ly low rates of anterior capsular phimosis, no glistenings and being able to use the same A-constant as his other TECNIS IOLs. In addition unlike multifocal IOLs, dry eye is not a contra- indication for use of this IOL, although it would be appro- priate to address this prior to surgery. While he thinks it may be possible to use in cases of glaucoma, he believes there are a few situations where use of TECNIS Eyhance TM may not be appropriate: patients with corneal transplants, patients who have undergone photo- therapeutic keratectomy (PTK) or deep anterior lamellar ker- atoplasty (DALK), and patients being considered for a PTK. Clinicians should weigh the po- tential risk/benefit ratio before implantation of an IOL, irre- spective of its design but rath- er select the best IOL consider- ing each patient's conditions. (Continued on next page) TECNIS EYHANCE™ IOL LEVERAGES A PROVEN IOL DESIGN: • Refractive technology (no rings) 2 • Based on a continuous higher order aspheric surface (no zones) 2 • Visually indistinguish able from the TECNIS ® 1-piece IOL (ZCB00) 2 • Same base geometry as all other TECNIS ® 1-piece lenses 2 • Reduces spherical aberration to near zero 2 • Delivers pupil- independent perfor mance similarly to TECNIS ® 1-piece IOL 4 • As tolerant as TECNIS ® 1-piece IOL to decentrations 4