EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2020 Issue

© 2020 Alcon GLB-ACP-2000001 Real-world Surgeon Experiences and Success with the Alcon AcrySof ® IQ PanOptix ® Trifocal IOL The Alcon AcrySof ® IQ PanOptix ® trifocal intraocular cataract lenses (IOL) (PanOptix ® ) provide patients with clear vision across all distances – near, intermediate, and far. 1 PanOptix ® uses an innovative lens design that results in the creation of three foci: distance, intermediate at 60 cm, and near at 40 cm. 2 Built on Alcon’s proven AcrySof ® IQ IOL platform, PanOptix ® has been implanted in more than 120 million eyes globally. 3 Since its launch in 2015, PanOptix ® has been adopted by leading surgeons globally. Dr. Robert Kaufer (Argentina), Dr. Joaquim Murta (Portugal), and Dr. Rosa Braga-Mele (Canada) have each been using PanOptix ® for more than two years and were interviewed to discuss their experience. Practice country Number of years in practice Number of years using PanOptix ® Number of PanOptix ® lenses implanted* Robert A. Kaufer, MD, PAAO, SACRyC Argentina 25 years 2 years >400 lenses Joaquim Murta, MD, PhD Portugal 29 years 4 years >600 lenses Rosa Braga-Mele, MD, FRCSC Canada 22 years 2 years 175-200 lenses *Includes AcrySof ® IQ PanOptix ® Trifocal IOL and AcrySof ® IQ PanOptix ® Toric Trifocal IOL Abbreviations: FRCSC: Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada; PAAO: Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology; SACRyC: Sociedad Argentina de Córnea, Refractiva y Catarata Surgeons report excellent visual outcomes for patients after cataract surgery and high patient satisfaction with PanOptix ® . PanOptix ® post-operative visual outcomes ΔQ \RXU H[SHULHQFH ZKDW LV WKH PDLQ DGYDQWDJH RI 3DQ2SWL[ p " Dr. Kaufer: Dr. Murta: PP GL΍UDFWLYH ]RQH UHGXFHV SXSLO VL]H GHSHQGHQF\ SURYLGLQJ optimized performance in a wide range of lighting conditions. Finally, I think its last advantage is biocompatibility, because Dr. Braga-Mele: Ȋ3DQ2SWL[ p R΋HUV D VHDPOHVV UDQJH RI YLVLRQ SDWLHQWV FDQ VZLWFK IURP GLVWDQFH WR QHDU WR LQWHUPHGLDWH ZLWKRXW DQ\ MXPSLQJ ȋ - Dr. Braga-Mele ANSWERS QUESTION