EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2020 Issue
i ÌÀ>«iÀ>ÌÛi " /] ÕÀ group was able to describe the fascinating variations of the anterior interface from birth till adulthood and to evaluate ÌÃ >}} «ÀViÃÃ]» Ã
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à anterior interface changes over time and becomes bigger and bigger until it detaches from Ì
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à process was called anterior ÛÌÀiÕà `iÌ>V
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à the equivalent of the posterior ÛÌÀiÕà `iÌ>V
iÌ *6 ®°» 3 Corneal surgery Dr. Schallhorn uses intraoperative " / > v
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>Ì] ÞÕ V> see quite well whether it’s the À}
Ì Ü>Þ Õ« À Õ«Ã`i `Ü]» Dr. Findl said. Retina ÌÀ>«iÀ>ÌÛi " / «>Þà > major role in Dr. Findl’s retina V>Ãið /
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i ÀiÌ>] allowing him to adjust his technique. º >ÃÌ LÕÌ Ì i>ÃÌ] i Ì use it for macular hole surgery LiV>ÕÃi Üi i Ì ` Ì
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i y>«] >` when you’re introducing air into Ì
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i y>« ÕÌ the very end when you have a V«iÌi >À w°» Training, general applications À ÌÀ>} «ÕÀ«ÃiÃ] À° Findl and Dr. Schallhorn both said their residents learn to operate using standard ÃÕÀ}V> VÀÃV«iÃ] ÜÌ
ÕÌ ÌÀ>«iÀ>ÌÛi " /° ÜiÛiÀ] ÌÀ>«iÀ>ÌÛi " / Ã ÕÃivÕ vÀ evaluating their performance. /
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ÜiÛiÀ] à º£ää¯ ÕÃivÕ vÀ iÝ«iÀiVi` Ronald Yeoh, FRCS, FRCOphth, DO, FAMS ÃÕÌ>Ì Þi -ÕÀ}i E i`V> ÀiVÌÀ] Þi E ,iÌ> -ÕÀ}ià Ƃ`° ƂÃÃV>Ìi *ÀviÃÃÀ Õi 1- À>` i` -V
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i ÌÀ>«iÀ>ÌÛi " / " /® ophthalmic surgery. When looking at the accompanying literature v >Õv>VÌÕÀiÀÃ Ü
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ÀÕÃÌ Ã ÌÜ>À`à VÀi> >` ÀiÌ> ÃÕÀ}iÀÞ° Ìà ÕÃi lamellar corneal surgery and macular hole surgery are well recognized. À° />ÃÃ}½Ã ÕÃi v " / iÕV`>Ì} Ì
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« à v>ÃV>Ì} >` `iÃÌÀ>Ìià the under utility of this technology in an area of far greater surgical numbers: common or garden cataract surgery! "ÛiÀ Ì
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i«Ã Õà Õ`iÀÃÌ>` surgical anatomy better; we can look at the various lens opacities i VÀÌV> «>VÌiÃ] ÕVi>À ÃViÀÃÃ] «ÃÌiÀÀ ÃÕLV>«ÃÕ>À] >` «ÃÌiÀÀ «>À V>Ì>À>VÌð ÕÀ} ÃÕÀ}iÀÞ ÌÃiv] Ì
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>Ã >Ã Lii v great help in understanding hydrodissection and hydrodelamination >Ã v>À >Ã Ü
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i ið Figure 1. After hydrodissection, YG ECP UGG VJG ƃWKF layer in the lens with a layer of soft lens matter remaining next to the posterior capsule. -ÕÀVi\ ,>` 9i
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Ü° Dr. Findl alluded to the usefulness of the technology in assessing the >ÕÌ v "6 Ài>} Li
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Õ` Li > ÀÕÌi V>Ì>À>VÌ ÃÕÀ}iÀÞ° Editors’ note: Dr. Yeoh is a consultant for Alcon, Johnson & Johnson, and Zeiss.
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