EyeWorld Asia-Pacific December 2020 Issue

4 EWAP DECEMBER 2020 SECONDARY FEATURE My Worst Complication CONTENTS FEATURE An Expert’s Review of the Essentials by Chiles Aedam R. Samaniego 09 New on the Barrett Suite 2020 from the lecture by Graham Barrett, MD, Australia 11 Taking stock: The most important cataract surgery lessons from the lecture by Abhay Vasavada, MD, India 14 Why are you not pre-chopping? from the lecture by Ronald Yeoh, MD, Singapore 16 The simplest fix for subluxated IOLs from the lecture by Chee Soon Phaik, MD, Singapore EWAPDec cover2.indd 5 26/11/2020 1:56PM An Expert’s Review of the Essentials 08 – 17 REFRACTIVE 25 Dealing with Descemet’s detachments by Ellen Stodola 27 Managing suprachoroidal hemorrhage by Ellen Stodola 30 Unruly iris during cataract surgery by Liz Hillman 37 Exploring heads-up technology by Ellen Stodola 22 Managing cases of corneal wound burn by Liz Hillman 43 Pearls for injecting single-piece IOLs by Ellen Stodola CATARACT/IOL 33 Optimizing manual small incision cataract surgery outcomes by Maxine Lipner 35 Use of NSAIDs and corticosteroids to stave off CME by Maxine Lipner SKILLS 41 Insights on the Light Adjustable Lens by Liz Hillman