EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2019 Issue

EWAP SEPTEMBER 2019 77 within the capsular bag or sulcus and avoid aspirating residual vis- coelastic from behind the IOL. In evaluating femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and conventional phaco in intumescent cataracts, Bryan Hung-Yuan Lin, MD , emphasized VÀi>̈˜} > >À}iÀ y>« ̜ Àii>Ãi high lenticular pressure. He also emphasized the importance of hydrodissection and lens rotation in these cases. Han Bor Fam, MD , talked about the importance of posteri- or corneal power and its impact on IOL power calculation. Dr. Fam mentioned the over-correc- tion of WTR and under-correction of ATR as factors for the calcula- tion of posterior corneal astigma- tism. Many advanced diagnostic tools are available for cataract surgeons, said Samaresh Srivas- tava, MD . LipiView II Ocular Sur- face Interferometer and optical biometric tools do indeed result in good outcomes and are good for decision making and making prognoses on top of creating a ºÜœÜ» v>V̜À ˆ˜ ̜ œ˜i½Ã «À>V̈Vi° In a randomized controlled study, Osamu Hieda, MD, PhD , aimed to evaluate the safety >˜` ivwV>VÞ œv ä°ä£¯ >ÌÀœ«ˆ˜i eye drops for the treatment of childhood myopia in Japanese children. The results showed that this concentration atropine eye drop was effective in attenuat- ing the profession of myopia in school-age children. Sri Ganesh, MD , present- ed his swivel haptic IOL, a new concept in which the single piece, open loop IOL consists of 2 extra PMMA haptics that swivel ̜ wÝ>Ìi œ˜ ̅i œ«ÌˆV ÃÕÀv>Vi° Ƃ surgeries that Dr. Ganesh per- formed with this new concept were uneventful, noting that perhaps there is a future for this new type of IOL. Makoto Inoue, MD, touched on contact lens and wide-an- gle viewing systems in which a fundus view through EDOF IOLs performed better than that of diffractive multifocal IOLs. Finally, R ohit Om Parkash, MD , emphasized the importance of calibration of primary incisions ̜ “>ˆ˜Ì>ˆ˜ ivwVˆi˜Ì yՈ`ˆVð º-ÕÀ - geons should all aim for type 1 sideport incision,” he said, which consists of calibrating the side port incision with the side port instrument. With this, there is no pupil size change, no nuclear pieces in the subincisional area, and minimal BSS leakage. Wisdom of the Samurai: Making Cataract Surgery Seem Simple Surgeons who can make cataract surgery seem simple yet elegant and effective are the envy of their peers. Chairs Ronald Yeoh, MD, Hiroko Bissen-Miyajima, MD, PhD, and Graham Barrett, MD, oversaw some of these surgeons as they showed off cat- aract surgery tips including using a simple irrigation cannula to creating clear corneal incisions, hydrodissection, preventing Argentinian Flag sign using IA capsulotomy, and tips for intras- ViÀ> " wÝ>̈œ˜ ܈̅y>˜}i` haptics. º/…i È}˜ œv > }œœ` Ìi>V…iÀ is to make it look so easy,” Dr. 9iœ…Ã>ˆ`° º ÕÌ > }œœ` ÃÕÀ}iœ˜ isn’t always a good teacher. After much debate and con- sideration, the attendees and chairs determined the advice of Sri Ganesh, MD , on using a simple irrigation cannula was the best tip of the session. This may have been the tightest race, as Dr. Ganesh won by a single vote over the advice given by Pannet Pangputhi- pong, MD , on preventing the Argentinian Flag sign. In Dr. Ganesh’s presentation, …i œvviÀi` ܓi ºÃˆ“«i ̈«Ã» for subluxated cataracts, includ- ing using a bimanual technique to put the viscoelastic in through ̅i È`i «œÀÌ] >˜` º>Ü>Þû placing the capsular tension ring before the loop. That will make VœÀ̈V> Vi>˜Õ« ºµÕˆÌi i>ÃÞ]»…i said. /œ wÝ Ì…i L>}] À° >˜iÅ uses a 6-0 prolene from the front up to the tip, 1.5 mm behind the limbus just under the iris. º/…i˜ ÕÃÌ «ÕÅ̅i ÃÕÌÕÀi and pull it out,” he said. Final- ly, he recommended surgeons ºLÕÀÞ Ì…i y>˜}i ՘`iÀ ̅i conjunctiva,” before the end of surgery. Dr. Pangputhipong said "6 “>Þ Li ̅i ºL>` }ÕÞ» ˆ˜ ƂÀ}i˜Ìˆ˜ˆ>˜ y>} È}˜] >à ˆ˜VÀi>à - ing pressure can’t escape during surgery because of the OVD, so it drives the tear to the periphery >˜` VÀi>Ìià ̅i y>}° i ŜÜi` several cases where he used IA V>«ÃՏœÌœ“Þ] ܅ˆV…Ü>à ºÃ>vi >˜` ivviV̈Ûi]»…i Ã>ˆ`° ºƂۜˆ` viscoelastics during the initial capsulotomy.” Supported in part by Alcon and Santen Pharmaceuticals