EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2019 Issue

72 EWAP SEPTEMBER 2019 Donald Tan, MD , discussed how surgeons need to take into account the changing expec- tations of cataract patients presenting with corneal endo- thelial dysfunction. Moving from DSAEK to DMEK procedures, patients now expect high-qual- ity best-corrected and uncor- rected visual acuities. Cataract surgeons are encouraged to collaborate with corneal sur- geons in managing such pa- tients. At the practice of Abhay Vasavada, MD , the surgical plan involves combined cat- aract and retinal surgery with femtosecond laser and microin- cision vitrectomy while utilizing peribulbar anesthesia. Thanap- ong Somkijrungroj, MD, de- tailed uveitis, emphasizing that it is not a single disease. Rather, it is a group of diseases that share common characteristics œv ˆ˜ÌÀ>œVՏ>À ˆ˜y>““>̈œ˜° *> - ̈i˜Ìà ÀiµÕˆÀi >`iµÕ>Ìi ˆ˜y>“ - matory control up to 3 months preoperatively as well as long- term and frequent follow-up with prompt treatment. Lastly, Takeshi Hara, MD , presented three different devices recently developed by Japanese oph- thalmologists for use in mini- mally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) by Kazuhiko Mori, MD, PhD, Shinki Chin, MD, PhD , and Masaki Tanito, MD, PhD , all providing ease for seeing 360 degrees, inserting into the Schlemm canal for immediate incision, and inserting by the side port. MIZU: Maintaining Flow in Glaucoma This symposium Thursday on updates on currently available treatments for glaucoma and new glaucoma surgical proce- dures began with Masaki Tanito, MD , discussing the technique of ab interno trabeculotomy using > ë>ÌՏ>‡Ã…>«i`…œœŽ° 1̈ˆâ - ing this technique allowed for successful IOP reduction of 31% and decreasing overall number of medications as well as im- provements in safety (low intra- surgical and postsurgical compli- cations). Prin Rojanapongpun, MD, showed that changes in corneal refractive power may œVVÕÀ >vÌiÀ wÌiÀˆ˜} ÃÕÀ}iÀÞ `Õi to low IOP related changes, bleb factors, or suture related me- chanical effects. In micropulse transcleral cyclophotothera- py (MPTCP), Shotaro Asano, MD , introduced the proposed mechanism of IOP lowering: i˜…>˜Vi` ÕÛiœÃViÀ> œÕÌyœÜ through the extracellular space and/or ciliary muscle contraction causing a change in aqueous œÕÌyœÜ° iV>ÕÃi ̅ˆÃ ˆÃ > ˜iÜ treatment modality, MPTCP must be used carefully as it is «œÜiÀvՏ >˜` ivwVˆi˜Ì ˆ˜ œÜiÀ - ing IOP. In primary angle-closure suspect (PACS) eyes, Yao Ke, MD, PhD , discussed how cata- ract extraction (CE) is superior to laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) in widening the anterior chamber angle and may potentially lower IOP. Additionally, the timing of cataract surgery should be ad- vanced appropriately in order to prevent the occurrence of PAC in patients. Maria Aquino, MD , in- troduced the Paul glaucoma implant as there are many limitations to utilizing a current glaucoma device implant. The design of the Paul glaucoma implant, thinner than previous ˆ“«>˜ÌÃ] ŜÜi` }œœ` ivwV>VÞ and safety data after 1 year of use. Regarding blebs, Yu Mizu- no, MD , detailed how a higher rate of bleb formation after trab- eculectomy with a limbal-based Vœ˜Õ˜V̈Û> y>« Ü>à >ÃÜVˆ>Ìi` with a greater increase in corneal higher-order aberrations and corneal astigmatism. Koichiro Shinji, MD , discussed the effects œv wÌÀ>̈œ˜ LiL œ˜ VœÀ˜i>…ˆ}… - er order aberrations. Air bub- Lià LœVŽ ̅i yœÜ œv >µÕiœÕà humor, and when these bubbles disappear, the aqueous humor V>˜ œ˜Vi >}>ˆ˜ yœÜ ˆ˜Ìœ ̅i wÌÀ>̈œ˜ LiL° iV>ÕÃi œv ̅ˆÃ] ̅i >ˆÀ LÕLLià ˆ˜ ̅i wÌÀ>̈œ˜ LiL “>Þ Li Li˜iwVˆ> vœÀ LœÌ… graft adhesion for DSAEK and IOP control in glaucoma. Finally, Kazuhiko Mori, MD , showed how double mirror goniolens allows surgeons to perform var- ious MIGS procedures without the need to tilt patients’ heads or the microscope, allowing for ease of procedure. Friday, 4 October 2019 /…i “iï˜} œvwVˆ>Þ œ«i˜i` with a ceremony on Friday, 4 Oc- tober, including the presentation of the 2019 APACRS LIM Lecture and followed immediately by the Combined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Societ- ies (CSCRS), another signature session for the society. The day Vœ˜VÕ`i` ܈̅Ƃ 1 p̅ˆÃ Þi>À½Ã w“ viÃ̈Û> >˜` >Ü>À`à ceremony. CSCRS: Elegance and Innovation for Perfect Outcomes Of the intraocular lens (IOL) formulae, the SRK/T is the most widely used in Japan, said Chikako Suto, MD, PhD , but it is not without limitations, especially for eyes with longer axial lengths (AL). To improve the accuracy of IOL power cal- culations, don’t miss the unusual eyes, she said, use newer gen- eration formulas and verify the measured values when the eyes are considered unusual. In a comparison between ̅i >ÀÀiÌÌ 1˜ˆÛiÀÃ> ] -, É/] and Haigis calculators on 276