EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2019 Issue

EWAP SEPTEMBER 2019 69 Elegance and Innovation T ackling the contem- porary evolution of cataract and refractive surgery with Elegance and Innovation, the APACRS held its 32nd Annual Meeting in Kyoto from 3 to 5 October 2019. Here are some of the highlights of Þi7œÀ` ƂÈ>‡*>VˆwV½Ã daily coverage. OPENING CEREMONY A Welcome to the 32nd APACRS Annual Meeting in Kyoto, Japan Master of Ceremony Dr. Kentaro Kojima , welcomed all the attendees to the 32nd APACRS Annual Meeting. The welcome address was given by Kimiya Shimizu, MD , and Ronald Yeoh, MD . With over 1,800 participants at this year’s meeting, there were a total of 604 abstracts received, 214 more than last year. There are >À}i Vœ˜}ÀiÃÃià ˆ˜ ̅i wi` œv ophthalmology including ESCRS and ASCRS, but APACRS holds two thirds of the world’s market in ophthalmology. This year’s APACRS meeting took 2 years of planning a carefully curated pro- gram, MasterClasses, symposia, - ,-] ۈ`iœ Ãޓ«œÃˆ>] > w“ festival, and a closing ceremony, which will provide insight into the most current phaco tips given by top ophthalmologists. The MasterClasses, a corner- stone of each year’s meeting, held Thursday were a phe- nomenal success thanks to the enthusiastic crowd and the many questions that were asked. Special thanks were given to APACRS President Hiroko Bissen-Miyajima, MD, PhD , as well as Dr. Yeoh, Dr. Shimizu, Graham Barrett, MD, Chan Wing Kwong, MD, Osamu Hieda, MD, Kazuno Negishi, MD, Yoshihiko Ninomiya, MD, Takuya Shiba, MD, Hisaharu Suzuki, MD, and Kathy Chen . Dr. Bissen-Miyajima gave the opening address. The Asia-Pa- VˆwV Ài}ˆœ˜ ˆÃ ̅i º…ÕL vœÀ exchanging ideas, connecting people, and creating friend- ships. Beyond nationality, we can enrich our knowledge and friendship.” Distinguished guest David Karcher was recognized for his leadership in the world of ophthalmology, growing and nurturing ASCRS to success, even providing active support to APACRS. Today, APACRS has grown into a movement of cata- ract surgery with Mr. Karcher be- ˆ˜} >˜ ˆ˜yÕi˜Ìˆ> w}ÕÀi] i>ۈ˜} behind a great legacy for both ophthalmologists and patients. Ƃ*Ƃ ,- iÀ̈wi` `ÕV>̜Àà were also recognized during the opening ceremony. These individuals include Chul Young Choi, MD, Mohan Rajan, MD, Sheetal Brar, MD , and Michael Lawless, MD . These educators have provided knowledge and the latest advancements of surgical techniques to their colleagues. Finally, the most prestigious award for outstanding ophthal- mologists in the advancement of ophthalmology, the APACRS Gold Medal, was presented to Dr. Shimizu. His leadership is very well established as chair- man and director at prestigious universities. Dr. Shimizu has always been 10 years ahead in ̅i œ«…Ì…>“ˆV ÃÕÀ}ˆV> wi` ܈̅ clear coil incision and toric lens development. He has fundamentally shaped the way ophthalmologists practice today with his great innovations through the years. Ƃ˜˜Õ> iï˜} œv ̅i ƂÈ>‡*>VˆwV ƂÃÜVˆ>̈œ˜ of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons Reportage by Christina Chintanaphol and Michelle J. Dalton