EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2019 Issue

FEATURE 24 EWAP SEPTEMBER 2019 80% of patients generally respond. Patients also view general educational material about cataract surgery and about premium options (whatever that particular surgeon offers). At this point, the information ˆÃ ˜œÌ…ˆ}…Þ ëiVˆwV LiV>ÕÃi the physician is not sure if the patient is a candidate, Dr. Hovanesian said, but it alerts the patient that these things exist. /…i ÃÞÃÌi“ Å>Àià “œÀi ëiVˆwV information with the patient after their consultation. The system touches base again when patients have upcoming appointments. After surgery, it follows them to make sure they’re doing OK and collects feedback on how they did. A happy patient tells three of their friends about their good results, Dr. Hovanesian said, but an unhappy patient tells 10 friends. “We want to identify those unhappy or marginally unhappy people before they start to tell their friends.” In addition to cataract surgery, Dr. Hovanesian said MDbackline can help with glaucoma, dry eye, and other diseases. In terms of EHR, Dr. Hovanesian said it’s been more than 10 years since his practice has adopted it. For those new to it, he suggested to slow down your clinic a bit initially. He also said that scanning and doing an extensive capture of all old records can be expensive and may not be necessary. His by the patient to not have to pay for a medication and to reduce the compliance issues.” FDA approval of this product, Dr. Donnenfeld said, is a “major step in the right direction for drug delivery overall, and hopefully, all of our medications will be prepared like this in the near future.” Dr. Matossian said Dexycu injection should be comfortable to cataract surgeons because they are in the same space, injecting the steroid above the IOL under the iris. She said she will eventually use Dexycu with intracameral antibiotics as well, which will leave her cataract patients with just one NSAID drop a day. Injection of intracameral antibiotics and compounded Innovations in - from page 20 medications is a relatively common practice after cataract surgery. Dr. Swan said he injects compounded dexamethasone, “œÝˆyœÝ>Vˆ˜] >˜` Ži̜Àœ>V >Ì Ì…i conclusion of cataract surgery. “I think there is an undeniable decrease of endophthalmitis with intracameral antibiotics,” Dr. Swan said. On the glaucoma front, Allergan is working on a bimatoprost sustained release, biodegradable, anterior chamber implant, while Glaukos has reported data on iDose, an intraocular implant that has provided sustained IOP reduction over at least 12 months. “From the standpoint of the glaucoma space, that’s where there is the most excitement. There are a lot of different opportunities there,” Dr. Swan said. “The last 5 to 10 years have been dominated by MIGS,” he added later, “but I think drug delivery will be the next tale to tell, and it will cross over into many other areas of ophthalmology. We will have more options to take compliance out of patients’ hands and improve delivery without ocular surface side effects.” Overall, Dr. Donnenfeld called drug delivery the “most exciting, disruptive area in ophthalmology today.” “Drops as we know them will cease to exist over the next couple of years as new drug delivery systems change the way we deliver medications in a more effective and compliant manner for patients,” he said. Dr. Matossian expressed a similar sentiment and added that the minimization of drops dovetails with the premium cataract surgery experience that many patients have come to expect. “Patients’ expectation is that their cataract surgery is going to have a positive impact on their life, and decreasing the drop burden will reinforce that positive patient journey,” she said. EWAP 'FKVQTUo PQVG &T &QPPGPHGNF RTCEVKEGU CV 1RJVJCNOKE %QPUWNVCPVU QH .QPI +UNCPF )CTFGP %KV[ 0GY ;QTM CPF JCU ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU KP #NNGTICP '[G2QKPV 2JCTOCEGWVKECNU #NEQP $CWUEJ .QOD -CNC 2JCTOCEGWVKECNU 1EWNCT 6JGTCRGWVKZ CPF /CVK 6JGTCRGWVKEU &T /CVQUUKCP RTCEVKEGU CV /CVQUUKCP '[G #UUQEKCVGU &Q[NGUVQYP 2GPPU[NXCPKC CPF JCU ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU KP 1EWNCT 6JGTCRGWVKZ CPF '[G2QKPV 2JCTOCEGWVKECNU &T 5YCP RTCEVKEGU CV 8CPEG 6JQORUQP 8KUKQP $Q\GOCP /QPVCPC CPF JCU ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU KP #NEQP )NCWMQU CPF #NNGTICP practice keeps active patients’ old records in storage. Trying to capture everything from the old paper charts was too much because there are just a few things you really need, he said. Dr. Hovanesian also discussed technologies and software that can be used to improve patient outcomes. He uses VERACITY Surgical (Carl Zeiss Meditec), which he said focuses on improving outcomes. It puts all the information for choosing a lens implant power and type of lens in front of the doctor. Rather than having to look at different technologies to determine this, it shows all the information in one place and uses the latest vœÀ“Տ>à ˆ˜ ȓ«ˆwi` ܜÀŽ yœÜ° It saves doctors a lot of time and improves outcomes by systematizing the way they do things, he said. Dr. Hovanesian spoke about the Vital Interaction platform, which is software he uses for things like appointment reminders through text messaging to remind patients about upcoming appointments. Dr. Hovanesian said that physicians should look for solutions >˜` ÜvÌÜ>Ài ̅>Ì wÌ ˆ˜Ìœ ̅iˆÀ i݈Ã̈˜} ܜÀŽyœÜ >˜` `œ˜½Ì ÀiµÕˆÀi a huge amount of time. “Look for solutions that save time and don’t cost time,” he stressed. EWAP 'FKVQTUo PQVG &T *QXCPGUKCP RTCEVKEGU CV *CTXCTF '[G #UUQEKCVGU .CIWPC *KNNU %CNKHQTPKC CPF JCU ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU KP #NEQP /&DCEMNKPG CPF %CTN <GKUU /GFKVGE /T 2KPVQ YQTMU CV , 2KPVQ #UUQEKCVGU 5CP &KGIQ