EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2019 Issue

FEATURE 18 EWAP SEPTEMBER 2019 approved by the U.S. FDA earlier this year. Latanoprostene bunod (VYZULTA, Bausch + Lomb) was introduced in 2018, Dr. Cantor added. It’s a prostaglandin analog that releases nitric oxide and that may convey vasoactive effects, he said. œÀ ˆ˜‡œvwVi "* “i>ÃÕÀi“i˜ÌÃ] a new device on the horizon called the Correcting Applanation Tonometer Surface (CATS) prism (CATS Tonometer) has a newly designed and engineered tonometer prism tip for Goldmann applanation tonometry, Dr. Radcliffe said. The new tip will help the tonometer limit bias from corneal thickness, curvature, …ÞÃÌiÀiÈÃ] >˜` ̅i Ìi>À w“° º ̽à going to be easy for all of us to adopt the CATS prism and patients ܈ Li˜iwÌ µÕˆVŽÞ]»…i Ã>ˆ`° Diagnostic technology One advance within glaucoma diagnostic technology is the ability to better integrate OCT structural data with functional data to help with clinical decision-making, Dr. Cantor said. The use of OCT angiography could help specialists make an earlier glaucoma diagnosis, Dr. Trubnik said. Dr. Radcliffe said that corneal hysteresis may play a greater role in glaucoma diagnostic management going forward, ëiVˆwV>Þ ̜ ˆ˜`ˆV>Ìi ܅ˆV…iÞià would do well with therapy such as MIGS and which eyes may require additional therapies. EWAP 'FKVQTUo PQVG &T #PIGNKNNK KU ENKPKECN CUUKUVCPV RTQHGUUQT QH QRJVJCNOQNQI[ &QPCNF CPF $CTDCTC <WEMGT 5EJQQN QH /GFKEKPG *QHUVTC 7PKXGTUKV[ 0QTVJYGNN *GORUVGCF 0GY ;QTM CPF JCU PQ TGNGXCPV ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU &T %CPVQT KU ,C[ % CPF .WEKNG . -CJP %JCKT QH )NCWEQOC 4GUGCTEJ CPF 'FWECVKQP 'WIGPG CPF /CTKN[P )NKEM '[G +PUVKVWVG +PFKCPC 7PKXGTUKV[ 5EJQQN QH /GFKEKPG +PFKCPCRQNKU CPF JCU ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU KP %CTN <GKUU /GFKVGE 5CPVGP #NNGTICP CPF /CVK 6JGTCRGWVKEU &T 4CFENKHHG RTCEVKEGU CV VJG 0GY ;QTM '[G CPF 'CT +PƂTOCT[ 0GY ;QTM CPF JCU ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU KP #GTKG 2JCTOCEGWVKECNU CPF )NCWMQU &T 6TWDPKM RTCEVKEGU CV 1RJVJCNOKE %QPUWNVCPVU QH .QPI +UNCPF CPF JCU PQ TGNGXCPV ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU