EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2019 Issue

FEATURE 10 EWAP SEPTEMBER 2019 system (NewComm, Beijing, China) comprising a 55-inch LCD monitor with a 4K LMD- X550TC display (Sony, Tokyo, Japan). The system delay is 60 milliseconds. Both heads-up path and microscope eyepiece are available for observation and can be switched as needed. As for clinical outcome, we found that heads-up cataract surgeries through the 3D visualization display have comparable safety >˜` ivwV>VÞ Ìœ ̅œÃi œv ÃÌ>˜`>À` microscope cataract surgeries. For beginning surgeons, I think they had better learn ÃÌ>˜`>À` “ˆVÀœÃÕÀ}iÀÞ wÀÃÌ and master the operation details, especially for the three- dimensional sense of operation. Generally speaking, the learning curve associated with heads- up surgery can be short for a skilled microsurgery doctor. My advice for beginners of heads-up cataract surgery is to watch more heads-up surgery and experience it from the perspective of the surgeon. In addition, since surgeons need to step their foot to control the operating lever to make sure that the image is focused and surgical site is centered on the display, I suggest young doctors train in their footwork diligently until the work can be done as «ÀœwVˆi˜ÌÞ >à «>ވ˜} ۈ`iœ games with a joystick. In summary, I think heads- up cataract surgery can be the icing on the cake for standard microsurgery, which still cannot be completely replace by the former for the moment. In my opinion, 3D visualization systems should be directly designed and included in the surgical microscope in the future for the 5G transmission era. It is hoped ̅>Ì ÜˆÌ…Vœ˜Ìˆ˜ÕœÕà Àiw˜i“i˜Ì] the 3D visualization system can further shorten system delay and improve resolution, so that this technology can better serve patients, surgeons, and the development of ophthalmic surgery. EWAP Editors’ note: Dr. Yao is professor, Eye Institute of Zhejiang University Eye %GPVGT 5GEQPF #HƂNKCVGF *QURKVCN QH <JGLKCPI 7PKXGTUKV[ %QNNGIG QH /GFKEKPG %JKPC *G JCU PQ ƂPCPEKCN KPVGTGUVU TGNCVGF VQ VJKU CTVKENG Reference 1. Weinstock RJ. “Heads Up Cataract -ÕÀ}iÀÞ 1Ș} ˆ}…‡ iw˜ˆÌˆœ˜ · Microscopic Viewing System.” ASCRS-San Francisco, April, 2009.