EyeWorld Asia-Pacific December 2019 Issue

64 EWAP DECEMBER 2019 PHARMACEUTICALS can sometimes be an issue. However, this has only occurred in one of his cases so far and it responded well to topical steroids. “The main thing is telling patients that if they have some inflammation afterward, we might have to give drops for a little bit longer,” he said. Another side effect could be increased IOP. “This happened in 6% of eyes in the FDA trial,” Dr. Stephens said. “So far we have avoided using this in patients who we were worried about having an IOP spike such as those with glaucoma.” If such a spike were to occur, the pressure would be treated with topical medication until the plug dissolves at about 1 month or until the pressure goes down, he noted. When it comes to the addition of topical steroids postoperatively, Dr. Stephens has found only 1 out of 30 to 40 patients has needed it. Dr. Berdahl said that Dextenza is a forerunner. “Dextenza is one of the early products to do ocular drug delivery,” he said. “If we can get it right, we’ll improve results and we’ll make it so we’re less dependent on patient compliance for good outcomes.” EWAP Reference 1.Tyson SL, et al. Multicenter randomized phase 3 study of a sustained-release intracanalicular dexamethasone insert for treatment of ocular inflammation and pain after cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg . 2019;45:204–212. Editors’ note: Dr. Berdahl practices at Vance Thompson Vison, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and declared no relevant financial interests. Dr. Stephens practices at Tyson Eye, Fort Myers, Florida, and has a relevant interest in Ocular Therapeutix. Supported by: College of Ophthalmologists, Academy of Medicine, Singapore 9 - 11 July 2020 Singapore Friday, 10 July 2020 • 07:30 – 08:30hrs MEET-THE-EXPERTS A rare opportunity to sit down withhousehold names in cataract, refractive surgery, cornea, and glaucoma and ask them face to face the questions that have always bugged you. Ask anything about IOLs, refractive surgery, complex cataracts, biometry, cornea, phaco techniques and glaucoma in a roundtable discussion over breakfast. Log on to www.apacrs-snec2020.org for more information