EyeWorld Asia-Pacific December 2019 Issue

Disclaimer: Theopinions expressed in this symposiumhighlights are thoseof the speakers andnot necessarily thoseof Alcon. Any liabilityor obligation for lossor damagehowsoever arising is hereby disclaimed. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced by any process in any languagewithout thewritten permission of Alcon. References 1. /DSLG *RUW]DN 5 'XFK ) (OLHV ' *XDUUR 0 0DUWLQH] $ 0XOWLFHQWHU 9LVXDO 2XWFRPHV &RPSDULVRQ RI 7ZR 7ULIRFDO 3UHVE\RSLD &RUUHFWLQJ Ζ2/V Ȃ 0RQWKV 3RVW RS 5HVXOWV :RUOG 2SKWKDOPRORJ\ &RQJUHVV %DUFHORQD 2. .RKQHQ 7 0DUWLQH] $ 0XOWLFHQWHU 9LVXDO 2XWFRPHV (YDOXDWLRQ RI D 1RYHO 7ULIRFDO 3UHVE\RSLD &RUUHFWLQJ Ζ2/ Ȃ PRQWKV SRVW RS UHVXOWV ;;;9Ζ &RQJUHVV RI WKH (6&56 9LHQQD 3. +D\DVKL . HW DO (΍HFW RI 6SKHULFDO (TXLYDOHQW (UURU RQ 9LVXDO $FXLW\ DW 9DULRXV 'LVWDQFHV LQ (\HV :LWK D 7ULIRFDO ΖQWUDRFXODU /HQV J Refract Surg. 0D\ 4. %¸KP 0 HW DO &RPSDULVRQ RI D SDQIRFDO DQG WULIRFDO GL΍UDFWLYH LQWUDRFXODU OHQV DIWHU IHPWRVHFRQG ODVHU DVVLVWHG OHQV VXUJHU\ J Cataract Refract Surg. 'HF 5. 4L < HW DO 5ROH RI DQJOH Ƈ LQ YLVXDO TXDOLW\ LQ SDWLHQWV ZLWK D WULIRFDO GL΍UDFWLYH LQWUDRFXODU OHQV J Cataract Refract Surg. $XJ 6. $OFRQ 'DWD RQ ȴOH 7. 66 /DQH HW DO Ȋ(YDOXDWLRQ RI WKH PHFKDQLFDO EHKDYLRU RI D QHZ VLQJOH SLHFH LQWUDRFXODU OHQV DV FRPSDUHG WR FRPPHUFLDOO\ DYDLODEOH Ζ2/Vȋ 3UHVHQWDWLRQ DW WKH (XURSHDQ 6RFLHW\ RI &DWDUDFW DQG 5HIUDFWLYH 6XUJHRQV (6&56 DQQXDO PHHWLQJ 2FWREHU Ȃ /LVERQ 3RUWXJDO 8. &ODUHRQ Z $XWRQRPH 3UHORDGHGB&1$ 7 BJ6/7B BȴQDO Y 9. &ODUHRQ $XWRQR0H 'LUHFWLRQ IRU 8VH 10. $OFRQ 'DWD RQ ȴOH 11. 1LFROL &0 'LPDODQWD 5 0LOOHU . ([SHULPHQWDO DQWHULRU FKDPEHU PDLQWHQDQFH LQ DFWLYH YHUVXV SDVVLYH SKDFRHPXOVLȴFDWLRQ ȵXLGLFV V\VWHPV J Cataract Refract Surg. 12. 6KXPZD\ &DOHE HW DO (YDOXDWLRQ RI WKH &DSVXODU 6DIHW\ RI D 1RYHO +\EULG 3KDFRHPXOVLȴFDWLRQ 7LS LQ D &DGDYHU (\H 0RGHO Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery DUWLFOH LQ SUHVV KWWSV GRL RUJ M MFUV 13. ΖDQFKXOHY 7 HW DO ΖQWUDRSHUDWLYH UHIUDFWLYH ELRPHWU\ IRU SUHGLFWLQJ LQWUDRFXODU OHQV SRZHU FDOFXODWLRQ DIWHU SULRU P\RSLF UHIUDFWLYH VXUJHU\ Ophthalmology -DQ 14. +LOO '& HW DO ΖQWUDRSHUDWLYH DEHUURPHWU\ YHUVXV SUHRSHUDWLYH ELRPHWU\ IRU LQWUDRFXODU OHQV SRZHU VHOHFWLRQ LQ D[LDO P\RSLD J Cataract Refract Surg. $SU 15. &RQUDG +HQJHUHU Ζ HW DO &RPSDULVRQ RI YLVXDO UHFRYHU\ DQG UHIUDFWLYH VWDELOLW\ EHWZHHQ IHPWRVHFRQG ODVHU DVVLVWHG FDWDUDFW VXUJHU\ DQG VWDQGDUG SKDFRHPXOVLȴFDWLRQ VL[ PRQWK IROORZ XS J Cataract Refract Surg. -XO 16. (UQHVW 3 HW DO +LJKHU 2UGHU $EHUUDWLRQV LQ )HPWRVHFRQG /DVHUȂ$VVLVWHG 9HUVXV 0DQXDO &DWDUDFW 6XUJHU\ $ 5HWURVSHFWLYH &RKRUW 6WXG\ Journal of Refractive Surgery 17. =KX 6 HW DO 0RUSKRORJLF IHDWXUHV DQG VXUJLFDOO\ LQGXFHG DVWLJPDWLVP RI IHPWRVHFRQG ODVHU YHUVXV PDQXDO FOHDU FRUQHDO LQFLVLRQV J Cataract Refract Surg 1RY 18. 5REHUWV 79 HW DO 8SGDWH DQG FOLQLFDO XWLOLW\ RI WKH /HQ6[ IHPWRVHFRQG ODVHU LQ FDWDUDFW VXUJHU\ Clin Ophthalmol Ȃ 19. $OFRQ GDWD RQ ȴOH <LQ / 6DUDQJDSDQL 5 $VVHVVPHQW RI YLVXDO DWWULEXWHV IRU 1*(18Ζ7< ® ' 9LVXDOL]DWLRQ 6\VWHP IRU GLJLWDOO\ DVVLVWHG YLWUHRUHWLQDO VXUJHU\ $OFRQ 0RGHOLQJ DQG 6LPXODWLRQ 'HFHPEHU 20. &KDWWHUMHH $ HW DO %DFN SDLQ LQ RSKWKDOPRORJLVWV Eye (Lond) 3W 21. 'KLPLWUL .& HW DO 6\PSWRPV RI PXVFXORVNHOHWDO GLVRUGHUV LQ RSKWKDOPRORJLVWV Am J Ophthalmol 22. &KDPV + HW DO )UHTXHQF\ DQG DVVRUWPHQW RI VHOI UHSRUW RFFXSDWLRQDO FRPSODLQWV DPRQJ ΖUDQLDQ RSKWKDOPRORJLVWV $ SUHOLPLQDU\ VXUYH\ Med Gen Med 23. -RQDWKDQ 1 HW DO 1DWLRQDO VXUYH\ RI EDFN QHFN SDLQ DPRQJVW FRQVXOWDQW RSKWKDOPRORJLVWV LQ WKH 8QLWHG .LQJGRP Int Ophthalmol. 'HF $6Ζ$ $&3 1. Technological innovation and technique evolution in ophthalmology has led to a remarkable transformation in the techniques and success of cataract surgeries 2. Advanced-technology IOLs including aspheric IOLs, toric IOLs, multifocal IOLs and accommodative IOLs have transformed cataract surgery into refractive surgery providing enhanced visual performance and optimizing refractive outcomes. 3. AcrySof ® PanOptix ® and PanOptix ® Toric IOLs provide enhanced visual performance and optimized refractive outcomes with complete range of vision from near to intermediate to far distance promoting spectacle independence. 4. Clareon ® is a next generation advanced design monofocal IOL made from hydrophobic acrylic, which provides unsurpassed optical clarity of a WUXO\ SULVWLQH SUHPLXP Ζ2/ R΍HULQJ ORZHVW OHYHO RI surface haze, subsurface nano-glistenings (SSNGs), and glistenings, compared to other premium monofocal IOLs. 5. Clareon ® AutonoMe ® is an easy and intuitive automated preloaded IOL delivery system that allows single-handed IOL injection with responsive speed control lever and comfortable ergonomic hand positions. 6. The Intrepid ® Hybrid tip and Active Sentry ® technology allows the surgeon to have real-time FRQWURO DW ȴQJHUWLSV ZLWK ZLGHU UDQJH RI WDUJHW Ζ23V to facilitate surgery at preferred or physiologic IOP, maintain chamber stability and reduce the risk of capsular tears thus improving patient safety and satisfaction during cataract surgery. 7. Cataract Refractive Suite is a new standard of performance in cataract surgery, which features an amalgamation of several technologies and GHYLFHV WKDW LPSURYH VDIHW\ HɝFDF\ DQG SUHFLVLRQ of cataract surgery and promote predictable post- operative outcomes. 8. Centurion ® Vision System sets a new standard of performance in cataract surgery by combining PXOWLSOH LQWHOOLJHQW SKDFR WHFKQRORJLHV DQG R΍HUV greater chamber stability, lower temperature rise and improved surgical control during cataract surgery. 9. ORA™ system with VerifEye+ technology facilitates intraoperative measurement and analysis of the refractive power of the eye and provides assurance through empowered decisions, which help surgeons to improve refractive outcomes and avoid refractive surprises. 10. LenSx ® femtosecond laser features enhanced capabilities with multi-curvature patient interface DQG R΍HUV VXSHULRU SUHFLVLRQ ZLWK FOHDQ DQG customizable incisions enhancing the safety and HɝFLHQF\ RI FDWDUDFW VXUJHU\ 7KURXJK LWV KLJKPDJQLȴFDWLRQ DQG UHDO WLPH VXUJLFDO information, NGENUITY ® 3D visualization system not only provides enhanced real-time surgical view IDFLOLWDWLQJ LPSURYHG RXWFRPHV EXW DOVR R΍HUV improved surgical ergonomics to the surgeons. 12. Seamless data exchange and cloud-based decision VXSSRUW WKURXJK DUWLȴFLDO LQWHOOLJHQFH DQG PDFKLQH learning is expected to assist patient’s journey by simplifying the complexity of surgery and adding HɝFLHQF\ WR SUDFWLFH LQ WKH QHDU IXWXUH KEY TAKE HOME MESSAGES The Cataract Refractive Suite BY ALCON