EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2018 Issue

EWAP FEATURE 11 September 2018 Appearance of Dr. Miller’s patient’s left cornea 3 months after cataract sur- gery, which was complicated by TASS form exposure to methylene blue. She had nger counting VA at presentation. Endothelial keratoplasty solved the corneal failure. She requires glaucoma medications for IOP control. A toxic posterior segment syndrome and severe cystoid macular edema developed form the methylene blue exposure. After many years of topical and intravitreal treatment, she still suffers from low-grade CME. Her VA has improved 20/30 – 2. Source; Kevin M. Miller, MD be brought close enough to the surgical stretcher, a backer board like those found on crash carts for cardiac suppression can be placed to extend the head of the bed, pro- viding a thin but firm support for the patient’s head and shoulders. This allows the laser capsulotomy to be performed horizontally.” This approach to perform laser capsulotomy was used successfully on the 3-year-old girl with retino- blastoma, but it also could be used on adults with severe orthopedic deformities such as kyphosis, which might otherwise preclude performing a laser capsulotomy in a seated position, Dr. Tipperman said. EWAP Editors’ note: The physicians have no financial interests related to their comments. Contact information Braga-Mele: rbragamele@rogers.com Miller: kmiller@ucla.edu Tipperman: rtipperman@mindspring.com continued on page 12