EyeWorld Asia-Pacific December 2018 Issue

62 EWAP GLAUCOMA December 2018 Power quandary Eyeing refractive surprise in glaucoma patients undergoing phaco P atients who have glaucoma are at a higher risk for issues with IOL power following cataract surgery, according to Leonard Seibold, MD , associate professor of ophthalmology, University of Colorado, Aurora. Results of a study 1 published in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery indicated that 11.2% of those with glaucoma had 1 D or more of refractive surprise compared with 4.9% of controls, Dr. Seibold reported. Of all of the patients in Dr. Seibold’s database who had undergone phacoemulsification over the last 2 years, approximately 1 in 4 also had glaucoma. It was this concomitant frequency that was part of the impetus of the study. “Also factoring in was the increased by Maxine Lipner EyeWorld Contributing Writer demand from patients regarding refractive outcomes after cataract surgery,” Dr. Seibold said. A secondary aim of the study was to assess the effect of MIGS procedures that are done at the time of cataract surgery. Database review “We included everyone who underwent cataract surgery over an 8-month period here at the University of Colorado,” Dr. Seibold said. In this retrospective case series, there were 206 eyes with glaucoma placed in one group and 1,162 controls placed in another. Within the glaucoma group, investigators sub-analyzed the variations of the disease to see if any particular type had a higher risk of refractive surprise, and also compared those patients who had cataract surgery alone to those who had cataract surgery with a MIGS procedure. The key finding overall was that those with glaucoma were Endoscopic view of ciliary processes with whitening and shrinkage along the left side from ECP Gonioscopic view of the anterior chamber angle with iStent trabecular bypass device seated in the canal of Schlemm Cataract with pseudoexfoliation material accumulated on the anterior lens capsule in a patient with associated glaucoma Source (all): Leonard Seibold, MD