EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2016 Issue

June 2016 EWAP REFRACTIVE 43 LASIK worldwide by Ellen Stodola EyeWorld Senior Staff Writer Surgeons practicing in different areas around the world comment on LASIK O ver the years, LASIK has become a popular and reliable procedure around the world. Arthur Cummings, MD, Wellington Eye Clinic, Dublin, John Chang, MD , Hong Kong, and A. John Kanellopoulos, MD, medical director, LaserVision.GR Institute, Athens, Greece, and clinical professor of ophthalmology, New York University Medical School, New York, commented on trends they see in LASIK around the world. Penetration of LASIK worldwide LASIK has been around for more than 20 years, and more than 40 million procedures have been performed since 1991, Dr. Chang said. “In most countries, LASIK is now a mature market, having enjoyed a rapid growth in the first 10 years and now leveling out,” he said. He said that there are three kinds of patients: those who rapidly adapt and accept new technology and have their surgery performed in the first 5–10 years; those who wait and have surgery in a mature market; and those who would never choose to have LASIK. LASIK seems to have peaked almost 10 years ago, and this was about 10 years since it was clinically introduced internationally, Dr. Kanellopoulos said. There are several speculations as to why this has happened. One is that the economy has not fully recovered from the downturn that started in 2008 and led people to feel that their disposable income couldn’t go toward an elective procedure such as LASIK. “Another reason is that LASIK has become a very universal procedure,” he said. “It is practiced by many low-cost centers, and it may be viewed by patients as a procedure that carries less allure.” A third reason Dr. Kanellopoulos cited is that some of the serious LASIK complications have been broadly advertised, and people are aware that ectasia, infection, and dry eye may be associated with LASIK. “Nevertheless, it remains the mainstay of refractive surgery for myopia, astigmatism, and/or hyperopia,” he said. “Technology has evolved, and I think LASIK penetration, although in lower numbers than the peak era of 2001 to 2004, is relatively stable globally.” Dr. Cummings thinks LASIK is seen in about 2.2 people per 1,000, based on a market review recently done in Ireland. The data came from both U.S. and European analysis, he said. Where is it growing? LASIK may be growing in markets where it has been around for awhile, Dr. Cummings said. For instance, children of parents Eyes of patients undergoing LASIK. The procedure has been used for more than 20 years in millions of patients around the world. Source (all) : Boruch Len continued on page 44