EyeWorld Asia-Pacific March 2015 Issue

March 2015 47 EWAP GLAUCOMA THE PRESBYOPIA SOLUTION THEY’VE BEEN WAITING FOR. The KAMRA ™ inlay provides a full range of vision and long-term performance, while leaving the natural lens in place. KAMRA; the KAMRA logo; Across the page. Across the room. Across the years; and The Presbyopia Solution are trademarks of AcuFocus, Inc. ©2015 AcuFocus, Inc. CE Mark since 2005. MKU-157 Rev A Mean near acuity improved 3.2 lines to 20/25 at 1 month and was maintained over the 5 year follow-up. * Data presented by Prof. Dr. Günther Grabner at the 2013 DOC in Nuremberg, Germany. 20/200 20/125 20/80 20/50 20/32 20/20 20/12.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 SNELLEN ACUITY MONTH UNCORRECTED NEAR VISUAL ACUITY (INLAY EYE ONLY)* INLAY EYE J2 Across the page. Across the room. Across the years. Visit us at ASCRS Booth #317