EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2015 Issue

5 March 2015 EWAP CONTENTS Quantum Decisions – Refractive Procedure of Choice Refractive surgery has come of age. This symposium discusses the pros and cons of the many alternatives to achieving optimal refractive outcomes, including TransPRK, LASEK, LASIK, SMILE, phakic IOL, and clear lens exchange. IOL Technologies New IOLs are coming thick and fast. Collaborating with the Japanese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (JSCRS) experts from APACRS help determine, where should we be heading? Twilight Zone: Cataract Nightmares Delving into the middle ground of light and shadow, between the pit of surgeons’ worst fears and the F or its 28 th annual meeting, the APACRS is working together with the various regional and international cataract and refractive societies, in partnership with the Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology (MSO) to provide attendees with yet another outstanding scientific program with the distinct flavor of APACRS. This year’s program includes staples such as the APACRS LIM Lecture and the Combined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Societies (CSCRS), along with a few one-of-a-kind sessions, all not to be missed. APACRS LIM Lecture This year, Pannet Pangputhipong, MD , one of the pioneers in Thailand and the Asia- Pacific region’s conversion from ECCE to phacoe- mulsification, will share his experiences, illustrating the journey from novice to master in his APACRS LIM Lecture, “Phacoemulsification: From Day 1 to Day 8760.” Meet-the-Experts If you ever wanted to interact face to face with some of the leaders in cataract and refractive surgery, do not miss this session. Each round table will have two designated experts to whom you can ask any questions. Breakfast will be provided; this session is FREE of charge but please show up if you have reserved a spot as you will deprive others if you do not show. If you do not show up at the start time, your spot will be allocated to those on the waiting list. to phaco? Enter the Forbidden Zone of complications to compare femto to phaco in dense cataract, soft cataracts, fibrotic cataracts, white cataracts, white cataracts, subluxated cataracts, and Fuchs’ dystrophy. CSCRS: The Event Horizon – Complex Cataract Surgery Beyond its event horizon, a black hole’s gravitational pull is so great that no escape is possible. This symposium explores similar points of no return in cataract surgery, in cases of fluid misdirection syndrome, Descemet’s detachment, anterior capsular tear, incision burn, absent zonules, ruptured posterior capsule, subluxated nucleus, and eccentric pupil. The Forbidden Zone – Femto vs. Phaco When can femtosecond laser- assisted cataract surgery be superior summit of their knowledge, this video symposium explores various nightmare scenarios and their management in the Twilight Zone of cataract surgery. Top Gun – Refractive and Cataract Surgery Tips Scientific meetings are rightly centered on scientific method, randomized controlled trials, and peer-reviewed publications. However, cataract and refractive surgery are very dependent on a surgeon’s skill and experience, things not easily distilled from a textbook or journal. This video session features some of the world’s most renowned cataract and refractive surgeons, each offering a practical tip that you can use immediately on your next visit to the operating theater. Prizes will be awarded for the most useful tips presented. The 28th APACRS annual meeting will be held from 5 to 8 August 2015 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. EWAP