EyeWorld Asia-Pacific September 2014 Issue

Prof. Lim - irreplaceable. I first met him in 1971 when he tutored me for the final FRACS. Later, he invited me to join his private practice, which was Singapore’s top eye practice. He loved to train young doctors. He made me specialize in retina surgery, which was new in Singapore. He appointed me as the first Head of Division, Vitreo-retinal surgery at NUH Eye Department. My proudest moment came in 2001. He presented me with a journal and he wrote “To my dear friend & colleague of many years, Beng Chong. Towards a wonderful century. Your colleague, Arthur.” It was my honor and privilege to conduct his vigil service. May you rest in peace, Prof. ANG Beng Chong Founding Member, APACRS Senior Consultant, Eye & Retina Surgeons, Singapore We have lost a great giant in the ophthalmology of our time. Prof. Lim was a man of talent, wisdom, vision and action. In particular, he was excellent in making people work together, and making things happen. His inspirational leadership and unfailing efforts had moved ophthalmology to new heights in Singapore, the Asia-Pacific region, and beyond. He was and always will remain our hero, and words fail to tell how we miss him. His spirit will always be with us all! Dennis LAM President-Elect, Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Director, State Key Laboratory in Ophthalmology, Sun Yat-Sen University, China I knew Arthur when he was organizing ophthalmic symposia and teaching courses in Singapore. This was in the 70s, about 40 years ago. He was the man responsible for improving the standard of ophthalmology not only in Singapore and Malaysia, but in the whole of the Asia-Pacific region. As an ophthalmologist, he has always impressed me with his clear and methodical mind. He was a great teacher, always expressing himself clearly and laconically. He had the uncanny skill of identifying and solving core issues. He was a caring and generous individual, always willing to share his knowledge and expertise for the betterment of the community. He was multitalented. He was a great orator and debater, a great teacher and academic, good organizer, an artist, and a visionary. His demise is an irreplaceable loss in the field of ophthalmology. We will always miss him. Y.C. LEE Lee Eye Centre, Malaysia I am very sorry to hear about the passing of Prof. Arthur Lim. On behalf of Academia, I wish to convey my condolences to his family and to his large ophthalmology family in Singapore, which he nurtured to leading international stature. Ophthalmology, the world over, has lost a great champion. Gullapalli N. RAO President, Academia Ophthalmologica Internaitonalis Founder and Chairman of the LV Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, India On behalf of APAO, I would like to express our deepest sadness and heartfelt condolences for the passing away of Prof. Arthur Lim, our former President and Secretary-General, and perhaps more importantly a great leader and teacher for several generations of ophthalmologists in the Asia-Pacific region. Without Prof. Lim, APAO would certainly not have grown and matured in the way it has. His immense impact on ophthalmology has extended well beyond our region. Prof. Lim will forever live in the depths of our hearts as a great role model, and his very positive influence will endure for many more generations to come. With deepest sorrow and sympathies, Clement C.Y. THAM Secretary-General & CEO Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO), Hong Kong TRIBUTES FROM AROUND THE WORLD Arthur was my friend, mentor, colleague, and inspiration for 40 years. He was a rare visionary who never wavered in his dream to make Singapore a global leader in ophthalmic care, education, and, later, research. This he extended to the whole Asia-Pacific region and especially China. A consummate communicator, Arthur recruited everyone from world ophthalmic leaders to students, politicians and businessmen to his cause and lead with a unique blend of inspiration and extraordinary generosity. A gifted surgeon, author, and artist, Arthur exploited his talents to the full and brought countless people along with him. The current high quality of eye care over the whole Asia-Pacific region is partly due to his extraordinary commitment. His legacy is symbolized by modern Singapore and he can truly be considered one of its founding fathers. This legacy is also embodied in his talented family and an internationally leading National Eye Centre. Ian CONSTABLE Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Western Australia, Australia Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel over the passing away of Prof. Arthur Lim. The passing away of Prof. Lim is a big loss to Singapore and to the world of ophthalmology. He was a wonderful close friend for more than 30 years, a great clinician, a great teacher, and truly a great man. I will always remember his words: “Never sit back!” May God give him eternal rest and may his soul rest in peace. Darwan M. PURBA President Director Jakarta Eye Center, Indonesia I would like to extend my sincerest and deepest sympathy over learning yesterday of the passing of Prof. Lim. My sadness and shock are beyond words. I will not be able to ease your pain; I write only as an ophthalmologist who had the deepest respect for Prof. Lim as a person, friend, and leader of ophthalmology in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. It was a profound privilege for me to work with Prof. Lim over the last 30 years. His brilliant insights instigated the development of ophthalmology which has been a tremendous contribution in China. His humble, genuine demeanor, and his generosity are a legacy we shall all remember. YUAN Jia-Qin Founding Director Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital, China I was profoundly saddened to hear the sad news of the passing of Prof. Arthur Lim. We have lost a great ophthalmologist, a great man, and I have lost a great friend. On behalf of the Chinese Ophthalmology Society and Beijing Tongren Eye Center, I would like to express my deepest condolence and grief for the passing of Prof. Arthur Lim. He will be missed and memories of him will be cherished for a very long time. May his soul rest in peace. Ningli WANG President, Chinese Ophthalmological Society Vice President, Beijing Tongren Hospital, China Prof. Arthur Lim was a prominent eye surgeon who played a key role in developing quality eye care, education, and research in Singapore. He devoted all his life not only to his Singapore ophthalmology career, but also to helping put the Chinese Ophthalmological Society on the world map, and made historical contributions to ties between China and the Singapore Society of Ophthalmology. Prof. Lim was an old friend of the Chinese ophthalmologists, and we grieve for his death, and express sincere condolence to the Singapore Society of Ophthalmology and his family. YAO Ke President-elect of Chinese Ophthalmological Society Prof. and Chief, Eye Institute of Zhejiang University Eye Center of Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, College of Medicine, China