EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2014 Issue

25 June 2014 EWAP FEAturE “We want our referring doctors to be the first people to hear about our newest offerings,” Dr. Kontos said. “Our first laser patient was an OD’s father. Those types of things work well for our marketing, and it helps bind our relationship to the ODs, so they don’t get caught off guard when a patient asks about some technology.” In his region, some practices are a bit more conservative about integrating newer technology, and Dr. Kontos “wanted to make sure we got our feelings about the femto laser out there.” Educating patients Dr. Kontos also markets internally to his patients, and about 25% of his patients opt for the laser. “We’re trying to expand that, and expand our specialty lens practice as well,” he said. “We’re trying not to get too technical with patients unless they specifically ask about the laser or want to know how it functions. For most patients, just saying we’ll be doing laser surgery is enough.” With a high volume practice, Dr. Thompson does not currently market the laser itself. “We have chosen not to go out and center our message around the laser, but center it around vision,” he said. “We ask our patients what kind of vision they want to have after cataract surgery: trifocals, good distance vision but don’t mind readers (maybe that’s a toric lens as well), or do they want to go for it all—it’s our most premium package—with a multifocal or accommodating lens and minimal reliance on glasses?” With “only so many ways to cut a pie,” Dr. Gills separates costs and line items charges. “There are definite advantages for the femto in some patients, and we expect that aspect of our business to grow. How we’re going to price it will change over time.” He likened cataract surgery to the airlines— where once passengers paid one flat fee, now they must pay in increments for the same outcomes. Think globally and act locally, advised Dr. Gordon who said he opted to only perform laser-based cataract surgery after listening to Michael Lawless, MD , in Australia. “My partners are excellent cataract surgeons, whether they use the laser or not,” he said. “I won’t perform cataract surgery without the laser because that’s how I evolved from a refractive- based perspective.” There’s no need to advertise the benefits of the laser, Dr. Gills said. “Just do your best job with the best technology. Femto for cataract is probably the most exciting change I’ve seen in ophthalmology since I’ve started practicing. It’s got a long and bright future.” EWAP Editors’ note: Drs. Doane, Gills, and Gordon have no financial interests related to this article. Dr. Kontos has financial interests with Abbott Medical Optics (Santa Ana, Calif., U.S.). Dr. Thompson has financial interests with Abbott Medical Optics, Alcon, and WaveTec (Aliso Viejo, Calif., U.S.). Contact information Doane: jdoane@discovervision.com Gills: pit@stlukeseye.com Gordon: mgordon786@gmail.com Kontos: mark.kontos@empireeye.com Thompson: vance.thompson@vancethompsonvision.com www.haag-streit.com OCTOPUS 600 See the new pulse in perimetry One device does it all Early diagnosis with PULSAR test method and standard white-on-white perimetry in one device. Perimetry simplified Compact design and streamlined operation with touchscreen optimized EyeSuite™ software. Go beyond the printout Connect to EMR or practice network for optimal workflow.