EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2013 Issue

19 June 2013 EWAP FEAturE TECHNOLAS Perfect Vision GmbH – A Bausch + Lomb Company Messerschmittstr. 1+3, Munich, Germany Regional Office Asia-Pacific Technolas Singapore Pte Ltd 101 Thomson Road, #27-03A United Square Singapore 307591 Tel: +65-6592-0792 www.technolas.com – www.bausch.com Near Vision Intermediate Vision Far Vision SUPRACOR ™ SUPRACOR ™ TECHNOLAS LASIK treatment for Presbyopia OŽer your patients a customized treatment for presbyopia with a perfectly balanced near, intermediate and far vision. >>> Unique varifocal presbyopia treatment >>> Excellent far, intermediate and near vision >>> Sophisticated algorithm minimizing induction of undesired aberrations >>> Designed for the full refractive treatment range: hyperopia (CE-marked), myopia*, emmetropia* >>> Suitable for subsequent enhancements Perfectly balanced * SUPRACOR is CE marked. SUPRACOR for myopic, emmetropic, and post-LASIK patients is currently in clinical evaluation. SUPRACOR is NOT approved for use in the US. Technolas Excimer 217P is NOT approved for use in the US. Some of the products and/or specific features as well as the procedures featured in this document may not be approved in your country and thus may not be available there. Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice as a result of ongoing technical development. Please contact our regional representative regarding individual availability in your respective market. SUPRACOR is a trademark of Bausch & Lomb Incorporated or its a£liates. kbcomunicacion. BLT-007/02-2013 ©2013 TECHNOLAS Perfect Vision GmbH. All rights reserved. New SUPRACOR Advert Eyeworld Asia 2013:BLT 5/6/13 16:43 Página 1 cases possible,” Dr. Culbertson said. Mobile femto services In the U.S., SightPath Medical (Minneapolis, Minn., USA) is the first company to mobilize the femtolaser, and the company says as few as six cases a month will create profit for a center. Dr. Friedman said “it’s a great service because it’s going to allow more surgeons and more patients to benefit from the technology,” and Dr. Culbertson said SightPath had similar success with a mobile excimer laser (Alcon’s platform), so there is potential for surgeons who are interested in the technology but do not find it feasible to purchase on their own. EWAP References 1. Conrad-Hengerer I, Hengerer FH, Schultz T, Dick HB. Effect of femtosec- ond laser fragmentation of the nucleus with different softening grid sizes on effective phaco time in cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg . 2012;38:1888-1894. 2. Nagy ZZ, Kranitz K, Takacs AI, Mihaltz K, Kovacs I, Knorz MC. Compari- son of intraocular lens decentration parameters after femtosecond and manual capsulotomies. J Refract Surg . 2011;27:564-569. 3. Kranitz K, Takacs A, Mihalta K, Kovacs I, Knorz MC, Nagy ZZ. Femtosecond laser capsulotomy and manual continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis parameters and their effects on intraocular lens centration. J Refract Surg . 2011;27:558-563 Additional suggested reading 1. Friedman NJ, Palanker DV, Schuele G, et al. Femtosecond laser capsulotomy. J Cataract Refract Surg . 2011; 37:1189- 1198. 2. He L, Sheehy K, Culbertson W. Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. Curr Opin Ophthalmol . 2011;22:43–52. 3. Palanker DV, Blumenkranz MS, Andersen D, et al. Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery with integrated optical coherence tomography. Sci Transl Med . 2010;2:58ra85. Editors’ note: Dr. Culbertson has financial interests with OptiMedica (Sunnyvale, Calif., USA). Dr. Endl has financial interests with Alcon, Bausch + Lomb (Rochester, NY, USA), Merck (Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA), and Refocus Group (Dallas, Texas, USA). Dr. Friedman has financial interests with OptiMedica. Dr. Nagy has financial interests with Alcon. Contact information Culbertson : w.culbertson@miami.edu Endl : mpderme@aol.com Friedman : njfmd@ymail.com Nagy : nagy.zoltan_zsolt@med.semmel- weis-univ.hu