EyeWorld Asia-Pacific December 2013 Issue

Letter from the Editor 3
Table of contents 4
Imaging technology for cataract surgery 7
Diagnostic tools’ use increasing 7
Picture-perfect preoperative registration 10
How intraoperative aberrometry improves toric IOL implantation 12
Measuring posterior corneal astigmatism a valuable tool for surgeons 15
Cataract/ IOL 18
Small, scarred pupil and previous filtering surgery 18
The comprehensive cataract surgeon and glaucoma 20
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet: Elective IOLs, premium IOLs, or advanced technology IOLs 24
Pearls from the Orient 26
Refractive 29
Corneal transplantation: Impact of the widening pool of prior refractive surgery donors 29
How do you use your topographer? 31
Using adaptive optics to customize surgery 33
Refractive surgery for keratoconus 35
Cornea 38
Corneal collagen crosslinking still hot topic in U.S 38
Ectasia screening remains center of attention for refractive surgeons 40
Preventing endophthalmitis 43
Treating moderate to severe dry eye 45
Devices 46
Techniques, tools differ for DALK 46
Updates on anterior segment imaging 48
Pharma focus 50
Update on lid margin disease 50
News & opinion 52
Saving Sight: A great book for the public to gain insight into what we do 52
Mission: Vision 53