EyeWorld Asia-Pacific March 2012 Issue

55 EW REFRACTIVE March 2012 astigmatic change,” he said. His group found “the best optical profile is obtained with two 1-mm incisions, orthogonal, with a third incision at 1.8 mm” (opened for the purpose of IOL implantation). Zoltan Nagy, MD, clinical professor of ophthalmology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, found a laser two-plane incision (n=42) does not require stromal hydration, but a manual incision (n=43) needs stromal hydration 90% of the time. Globally comparing the 6,000+ procedures performed with the LenSx, more patients reached 20/20 (6/6) earlier in the post-op period with the laser than through manual techniques. The laser is “more predictable at month 1 with a 78% reduction in pre-existing cylinder”. Surgically induced astigmatism was lower with the laser as well, “which may ultimately improve the accuracy of limbal relaxing incisions and toric calculators”, he said. Victus Gerd Auffarth, MD, department of ophthalmology, University of Heidelberg, Germany, said when the laser gets approved in Europe and the U.S., “it will be the first platform to offer both cataract and refractive procedures,” noting it can create a LASIK flap and can be used in keratoplasty, corneal crosslinking, and astigmatic keratotomy as well as cataract. Further, the system’s curved interface means surgeons are inducing less pressure on the cornea, he said. His initial case series of seven eyes with black or brunescent cataract (some with pseudoexfoliation as well) resulted in 20/20 outcomes and no cases of capsule rupture. Michael C. Knorz, MD, medical director, FreeVis LASIK Center, Mannheim, Germany, said the laser also “had an edge” over manual astigmatism correction because “multifocal IOLs will not tolerate any astigmatism greater than 0.5 D. The only limitation is that the pupil must be large enough to expose what you would like to laser.” EW Editors’ note: Dr. Alio has financial interests with Alcon. Dr. Auffarth has financial interests with Technolas. Dr. Culbertson has financial interests with OptiMedica. Dr. Knorz has no financial interests related to this article. Dr. Nagy has financial interests with Alcon. Dr. Nichamin has financial interests with LensAR. Dr. Seibel has financial interests with OptiMedica. Dr. Talamo has financial interests with Alcon, B+L, and OptiMedica. EyeWorld Staff Writers Faith Hayden and Jena Passut assisted with this article. Contact information Alio: jlalio@vissum.com Auffarth: gerd.auffarth@med.uni-heidelberg.de Culbertson: w.culbertson@miami.edu Knorz: knorz@eyes.de Nagy: nz@szem1.sote.hu Nichamin: nichamin@laureleye.com Seibel: idoc2020@me.com Talamo: jtalamo@lasikofboston.com CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 2012-2013 DATE MEETING VENUE April 13-16 227th Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) www.apaoophth.org Busan, Korea April 20-24 ASCRS-ASOA Symposium & Congress (ASCRS-ASOA) www.ascrs.org Chicago, USA May 31- June 3 25th APACRS Annual Meeting in conjunction with 14th Congress of Chinese Cataract Society & Chinese Ophthalmological Society (APACRS-CCS) www.2012apacrs.org Shanghai, China June 13-16 35th Annual UC Davis Ophthalmology Symposium www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/cme/conferences Big Island, Hawaii June 15-17 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JSCRS) www.congre.co.jp/jscrs2012 Tokyo, Japan June 15-18 19th International Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting www.inos2012singapore.sg Singapore September 8-12 XXX Congress of the ESCRS www.escrs.org Milan, Italy November 10-13 Annual Meeting of American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) www.aao.org Chicago, USA 2013 January 17-20 Joint Meeting of the 28th Congress of APAO and 71th Annual Conference of AIOS www.aios.org Hyderabad, India April 19-23 ASCRS-ASOA Symposium & Congress (ASCRS-ASOA) www.ascrs.org San Francisco, USA July 11-14 26th APACRS Annual Meeting – A Global Focus on the Anterior Segment www.apacrs.org Singapore October 5-9 XXXI Congress of the ESCRS www.escrs.org Amsterdam, Netherlands November 16-19 Annual Meeting of American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) www.aao.org Chicago, USA