EyeWorld Asia-Pacific June 2012 Issue

46 June 2012 EWAP DEVICES key surface proteins that mediate the chronic inflammatory cascade, LFA-1 and ICAM-1. Phase I studies evaluated the compound in concentrations up to 5%, while phase II studies evaluated the compound in 0.1%, 1.0%, and 5.0% concentrations. “It works on T-cells like topical cyclosporine 0.05% does, but in a different manner,” Dr. de Luise said. “The two could be used synergistically.” Glucocorticoids Overall, selective glucocorticoid receptor agonists are less likely to transactivate than steroids because they have lower glucocorticoid receptor-DNA interactions. 1 Mapracorat (Bausch + Lomb, Rochester, NY, USA): A novel glucocorticoid receptor agonist that has been shown to inhibit cytokines IL-6, IL-8, and MCP-1 with “comparable efficacy and potency as dexamethasone.”1 EGP-437 (dexamethasone, EyeGate Pharma, Waltham, Mass., USA): Using the company’s iontophoresis system, EyeGate is evaluating EGP-437 in a low dose (Ocular Iontophoresis with EGP- 437 4.0 mA-min at 1.5 mA) and in high doses (Ocular Iontophoresis with EGP-437 6.5 mA-min at 2.5 mA) for the treatment of dry eye. EWAP Reference 1. Cavet ME, Harrington KL, Ward KW, Zhang J-Z. Mapracorat, a novel selec- tive glucocorticoid receptor agonist, inhibits hyperosmolar-induced cytokine release and MAPK pathways in human corneal epithelial cells. Molecular Vis . 2010;16:1791-800. Editors’ note: Dr. de Luise has no financial interests related to this article. Dr. Lemp has financial interests with TearLab Corp. Contact information De Luise: +1-203-232-9028, vdeluisemd@gmail.com Lemp: +1-202-255-6842, malemp@lempdc.com Non-pharmaceutical from page 44 Expanding - from page 45 with dry eye, they immediately want to take out an old system and try it,” Dr. Toyos said. “The problem is they’ll cause scarring on the face. It took us 7 years to configure an IPL system for dry eye. Most [IPLs] are made for photofacials, which is a lot of energy because you’re trying to stimulate collagen.” African-American patients cannot have IPL because their skin could burn and lighten. IPL is an ongoing treatment program with patients receiving the therapy once a month until symptoms improve. Maintenance treatments are needed throughout the year. Dr. Toyos expects to publish 3-year clinical follow-up data for IPL in the near future. Results, he said, are excellent. “More than 90% of patients that get the treatment have symptomatic relief,” he said. EWAP Editors’ note: Dr. Carlson has financial interests with TearScience. Drs. Glasser and Toyos have no financial interests related to this article. Contact information Carlson: alan.carlson@duke.edu Glasser: dbg@comcast.net Toyos: rostar80@gmail.com