EyeWorld Asia-Pacific December 2012 Issue

December 2012 6 EWAP TABLE OF CONTENTS P U B L I S H I N G S TA F F Publisher APACRS Charity Wai apacrs@snec.com.sg Donald R. Long don@eyeworld.org APACRS Editorial Kathy Chen kathy.chen@apacrs.org Summer Ng EyeWorld@apacr.org Christine Shimmon Senior Staff Writer Chiles Aedam R. Samaniego ASCRS Editorial Editor Jena Passut Production Graphic Designer Julio Guerrero Production Assistant Daniela Galeano Contributing Editors Vanessa Caceres – Lakeland, Florida Michelle Dalton – Reading, Pennsylvania Rich Daly – Arlington, Virginia Enette Ngoei – Singapore Matt Young – Malaysia December 2012 Volume 8 • No.4 Senior Contributing Editor Maxine Lipner – Nyack, New York Advertising Sales ASCRS Media 4000 Legato Road Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033 (1-703) 591-2220 • fax: (1-703) 273-2963 eyeworld@eyeworld.org • www.eyeworld.org Director Donald R. Long don@eyeworld.org Advertising Sales Manager Jeff Brownstein Jeff@eyeworld.org (1-703) 788-5745 Paul Zelin paul@eyeworld.org (1-703) 383-5729 Classified Sales, Production Manager Cathy Stern cathy@eyeworld.org (1-703) 591-2220 EyeWorld Special Projects and Events Jessica Donohoe Jessica@eyeworld.org (1-703) 591-2220 Managing Editor Stacy Majewicz stacy@eyeworld.org APACRS Publisher : EyeWorld Asia-Pacific Edition (ISSN 1793-1835) is published quarterly by the Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS), c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email apacrs@snec.com.sg. Printed in Singapore. EyeWorld Asia-Pacific Chinese Edition (ISSN 1521-7566) is jointly published quarterly by the Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS), c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email apacrs@snec.com.sg; and the Chinese Ophthalmological Society (COS), c/o Chinese Medical Association, 42 Dongsi Xidajie, Beijing 100710, PR China, telephone (86-10) 6524-9989 ext 2456, fax (86-10) 6512-3754. Printed in Beijing, PR China. Editorial Offices : EyeWorld Asia-Pacific Edition: Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS), c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email apacrs@snec.com.sg. EyeWorld Asia-Pacific Chinese Edition: Chinese Ophthalmological Society (COS), c/o Chinese Medical Association, 42 Dongsi Xidajie, Beijing 100710, PR China; telephone (86-10) 6524-9989 ext 2456; fax (86-10) 6512-3754. EyeWorld News Service : 4000 Legato Road, Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033-4003, USA, toll-free (1-800) 451-1339, telephone (1-703) 591-2220, fax (1-703) 273-2963, email eyeworld@eyeworld.org. Advertising Offices : ASCRSMedia, 4000 Legato Road, Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033-4003, USA, telephone (1-703) 591-2220, fax (1-703) 273-2963, email dlong@eyeworld.org. Copyright 2005, Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS), c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email apacrs@snec.com.sg. Licensed through the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), 4000 Legato Road, Suite 700, Fairfax, VA 22033-4003, USA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Letters to the editor and other unsolicited material are assumed intended for publication and are subject to editorial review and acceptance. The ideas and opinions expressed in EyeWorld Asia-Pacific do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, publishers or its advertisers. Subscriptions : Requests should be addressed to the APACRS publisher, c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email apacrs@snec.com.sg. Back copies : Subject to availability. Contact the APACRS publisher, c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email apacrs@snec.com.sg. Requests to reprint, use or republish: Requests to reprint or use material published herein should be made in writing only to the APACRS publisher, c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, telephone (65) 6322-7469, fax (65) 6327-8630, email apacrs@snec.com.sg. Change of address : Notice should be sent to the APACRS publisher, c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, Singapore 168751, six weeks in advance of effective date. Include old and new addresses and label from a recent issue. The APACRS publisher cannot accept responsibility for undelivered copies. APACRS Secretariat 11 Third Hospital Avenue Singapore 168751 Fax: (65) 6327 8630 Email: apacrs@snec.com.sg Website: www.apacrs.org KDN number: PPS 1776/07/2013(022955) MICA(P)079/02/2012 48 42 41 GLAUCOMA Alternatives to trabeculectomy: What works? 41 A panel of experts discussed new techniques at the 2012 World Ophthalmology Congress in Abu Dhabi by Tony Realini Tracking glaucoma among 42 Asian ethnicities Certain Asian population are at a greater risk for the disease by Vanessa Caceres IOP and glaucoma: 44 What really matters? Discussing the issues that do and do not matter in lowering IOP by Tony Realini DEVICES Glaucoma surgical option 46 may appeal to cataract surgeons Surgeons say successful implantation of the first microincisional glaucoma device likely depends more on anatomy knowledge than surgical technique. by Rich Daly PHARMA FOCUS Keeping infection at bay 48 while dipping into the high-risk cataract pool Homing in on top regimens by Maxine Lipner MEETING REPORTER The 3rd Biennial Scientific 50 Meeting of the Asia Cornea Society(ACS Manila) EyeWorld reports from Philippines 2012 46 Cornea Scientific rationale for why 39 femtosecond laser intrastromal keratomileusis is the future of corneal refractive surgery Dan Z. Reinstein, MD, makes a compelling case for femtosecond lasers by Dan Z. Reinstein ,M.D