APACRS 2021 Daily News (Sunday, 1 August 2021)
Film Festival 2021 The winners of the 2021 APACRS Film Festival were announced at a streamlined 25-minute Film Festival Awards Ceremony held Saturday, 31 July 2021. Clips from all the winners were present- ed, Grand Prize Winner Sheetal Brar’s “Simplifying the Simple – Feasibility of a modified 4-flange scleral fixation technique with a new design of foldable IOL” shown in full. In her award-winning video, Dr. Brar, India, told a personal story she said she was sure was also the story of many young oph- thalmologists “who wish to become confident cataract sur- geons.” When managing secondary IOL implantation for aphakia, scler- al fixation can seem complicated to young surgeons. Dr. Brar described a simple modification to the novel four-flanged tech- nique recently described by Dr. Sergio Canabrava, which further simplifies “an easy and elegant way to achieve scleral fixation in eyes with deficient capsular support.” In their modified version of the Canabrava technique, the double needles are prepared by feeding a 5-cm long 6-0 prolene suture into the lumen of a 27-G needle under direct or microscope visu- alization outside the eye. This modification reduces the maneu- vering inside the anterior chamber, especially useful in eyes with hazy corneas and poor visibility. Dr. Brar and her colleagues have performed the technique in 52 eyes of 52 patients for various indications including intraop PCR and zonular dialysis, subluxated IOL, and Marfan syndrome. No significant intra- or postop complications were noted and they observed good safety and stability over a mean follow-up of 6 months. “With this,” she said, “I finally realized my dream of learning an easy way of doing scleral fixations.” Unfortunately, this was not the end of the story; an important limitation of the technique is the need for a large wound for IOL insertion and all its potential complications. To address this, Dr. Brar and her colleagues propose a new foldable IOL design with wing-shaped haptics, each haptic with a central hole for suture passage and a peripheral hole for orientation. They have im- planted the IOL in 10 eyes of 10 patients providing early experi- ence that shows the new design to be safe and feasible. This, she said, “appears to mark the beginning of a new horizon in the field of secondary IOLs and certainly has the potential to create happier, more confident eye surgeons by further sim- plifying the shown to us by Professor Yamane from where it all started.”. Delegates can continue watching the videos via the OnAir portal through 30 August 2021. Category 1: Cataract / Implant Surgery Winner , In Despair, Claudio TRINDADE (Brazil) Runner-up , Minimally Invasive IOL Extraction, Sachiko FUKUOKA (Japan) Category 2: Cataract Complications / Challenging Cases Winner , Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography Guided Management of Intumescent White Cataract, Jeewan TITIYAL (India) Runner-up , Multifocal IOL Late Centration, Manuel DOMINGUES (Portugal) Category 3: Refractive / Corneal Surgery Winner , T.R.E.K. Topography Guided Removal of Epithelium in Keratoconus Followed by CXL: A novel tissue sparing custom- ized ablation, Sneha GUPTA (India) Runner-up , The CorNeat KPro – A novel, completely synthetic keratoprosthesis, Gilad LITVIN (Israel) Category 4: General Interest Winner , Hydrogen Will Change the World of Ophthalmology, Hisaharu SUZUKI (Japan) Runner-up , The Serendipitous Use of Topical Moxilfoxacin, Myoung Joon KIM (South Korea) Grand Prize Simplifying the Simple – Feasibility of a modified 4-flange scleral fixation technique with a new design of foldable IOL, Sheetal BRAR (India) EWAP Daily News - 8
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