APACRS 2021 Daily News (Saturday, 31 July 2021)

Today’s Highlights Opening ceremony and 2021 APACRS LIM Lecture The 33rd APACRS–SNEC 30th will stream its opening ceremony today from 13:00 to 13:55 hrs, featuring the 2021 APACRS LIM Lecture by Ike K. Ahmed, MD. Combined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Societ- ies (CSCRS) – A joint symposium of the APACRS, ASCRS, and ESCRS Experts from the three major regional cataract and refractive societies will discuss “Progress to Perfection – Technique vs. Technology,” taking a critical look at whether “high-tech” auto- mated phaco surgery machines have made a significant enough difference to replace “old fashioned” manual methods. Top Gun – Top Cataract Surgery Tips A crowd favorite at APACRS, expert surgeons provide quick, practical tips attendees can use the next time in they’re in their respective operating rooms. Streams from 19:00 to 20:25 hrs (UTC+8). Grandmasters of Cataract Surgery New at this meeting! The “Grandmasters” discuss the most important and compelling issues in modern cataract surgery in the 21st century, from biometry on through the various stages of cataract surgery to IOL fixation. Streams from 20:30 to 22:00 hrs (UTC+8) SNEC Nursing Symposium: The Future of Ophthalmic Nursing Acknowledging the vital role nurses play “throughout the entire domain of ophthalmic health,” SNEC will be holding a Nursing Symposium on “The Future of Ophthalmic Nursing” from 10:30 to 11:55 hrs (UTC+8). The symposium will feature local and overseas experts who will discuss the ophthalmic nurses’ roles, responsibilities, and skills needed to meet the increasing de- mand for eye care in a rapidly aging population. The symposium includes the Keynote Lecture “The Future of Ophthalmic Nursing” to be given by the Royal College of Nurs- ing (RCN) Nurse of the Year 2019, Taurai Matare. Ms. Matare was given the accolade for her “innovative work in transforming her unit, its care pathways, and workforce over 14 years.” Film Festival Awards Ceremony While the Film Festival entries have been available to delegates since 25 July 2021 and will be available through 30 August 2021, all are encouraged to attend the Film Festival Awards Ceremony, an integral part of the Film Festival. The ceremony will stream today from 14:00 to 14:25 hrs. Innovation Theatres The Innovation Theatres continue to provide an out-of-the-box venue for the meeting’s industry partners to highlight their latest innovations and allow attendees to keep abreast of advances in ophthalmic technology and products. Industry partners holding Innovation Theatres today along Track 1 are Oculus on “Next Gen Hybrid Imaging in Refractive Sur- gery” (09:10–09:25 hrs, all times UTC+8); Zeiss on “Workflow optimization in your practice with technologies” (09:25–09:40 hrs), “Taking the Cataract Workflow to the next level” (09:40– 09:55 hrs), and “Differentiating your refractive practice with the corneal refractive workflow” (09:55–10:10 hrs); and Santen on “New Evidence in Dry Eye Disease Management after Cataract Surgery” (10:10–10:25 hrs). On track 2, Alcon will be holding Innovation Theatres on “Ocu- lar Surface Management: Pre and Post Surgery” (09:10–09:25 hrs), “Combination of quality optic material and delivery system: Clareon® AutonoMe TM ” (09:25–09:40 hrs), “Discover Reality with 3D Visualization” (09:40–09:55 hrs), “Enhanced Phaco Safety with Centurion Active Sentry” (09:55–10:10 hrs), and “Optimiz- ing Refractive Outcomes with Topography-Guided Treatments” (10:10–10:25 hrs). EWAP Daily News - 6