EyeWorld Korea December 2018 Issue

한국어판 Volume 14, Number 4 December 2018 The Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons www.APACRS.org IOL도수계산을위한새로운방법 – P. 64 비생분해형유리체내임플란트제품 – P. 66 안구마이크로바이옴 – P. 69 Light Adjustable Lens – page 8 신경자극장비 – page 15 비침습적, 비약물적, 비수술적녹내장치료 – page 17 Zepto: 수정체낭절개장비그이상 – page 22 MKO Melt – page 25 Plus: 녹내장치료를위한무기 In the Pipeline Products that could change how you practice: Table of Contents P. 4 & P. 6 Licensed Publication