EyeWorld Korea March 2012 Issue

2012년에 출시될 것들.. Cover Feature: What’s ahead in 2012 펨토를 이용한 완벽한 백내장 수술 — Page 10 Perfecting cataract surgery with femto 본 궤도에 오른 펨토초 레이저 술식 — Page 14 Femto lasers take center stage 세계의 IOL 들 — Page 16 International IOL options Toric IOL 조정 — Page 20 Aligning torics 각막 인레이, 세계가 주목 — Page 22 KAMRA inlay: Pinpointing success 삽입형 망원경 — Page 24 Implantable telescope 망막 업데이트 With special updates in Retina VOL. 2, Number 1 March 2012 The Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons www.APACRS.org Licensed Publication Table of Contents P. 4 & P. 6 앞으로 나올 것들 What lies ahead 신제품들, 앞으로 출시될 것들, 성공적인 출시들, 그리고 새로운 방식들 The newest products and what’s ahead, successful product launches and new tools in the marketplace 2012 APACRS-CCS Program Highlights — P. 8, P. 9