EyeWorld Asia-Pacific December 2012 Issue

VOL. 8, Number 4 December 2012 www.APACRS.org Licensed Publication Table of Contents P. 4 & P. 6 A S IA - P A C I F IC Feature: Products & Innovations In the edge of greatness? — Page 7 A bullish outlook for lasers — Page 9 Assessing femto-assisted astigmatism — Page 10 At the multifocal junction — Page 14 Time to make a switch — Page 17 Plus 3rd Biennial Asia Cornea Society Meeting – page 50 APACRS Film Festival Submission open — P. 12 Glaucoma option for cataract surgeons — P. 46 Topical antibiotics — P. 48 The Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons